Whats going on?

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The next morning i see angelica talking to David it freaks me out but the bad thing is is that me and David haven't even ha are first kiss it was really worrying me and angelica when they were dating like all they did was kiss in the hall i was in my gym clothes i ran into the bathroom and put on my clothes a little brown skirt with black boots going up to my knees that were so tight they felt like they were about to paralyze me or stop my blood flow i pushed my long stringy straight brunette hair out of the way and here it comes.....,........ i walk up to hI'm pull him on a bench and kissed him for 6 seconds eek!i had to go tell Ava.

"Ava i did it" i said

"did what"? Ava said confused


"no way really!"

"Waite weren't you fight"?

"yea i don't know what happened but he kissed back anyway"

"well what ever" says Ava

" i gotta go"

that night i receive atext from David he says he wants me to come to his house i get into my cute little pajama pants and a tank top i was thinking he wanted to have a midnight pic nick i go there loOK in his window and he is there is i knock on the window and he helps me in he sets his blanket on the floor and then he gets out and apple and something else.

"here"he says"

he hands me a necklace its stainless steel its from the green market bunny shop its a heart and on the bottom it says forever.

"o my thank you its beautiful"

he kisses my forehead

"well i gotta go"i say after becoming nervous

tomorrow after school was my driving test im17 now and i think its time i get it.

"hello my name is aballena i will be yourdrivingtester and teacher we will e taking a written exam and the a driven one wish you good luck"

i studied hard and knows my chance my dad says if i pass Can get any car i want i have to buy it but he wi,l pay for tie insurance i examine closely thefirstquestion was what do you do  at a yield sign Dur slow down and be careful then its time for the driving exam i take as harp turn left at the perfect speed limit after that......

"say cheese"say the lady for my drivers licences test

my AD takes me and i get a red beauty car its amazing. plus now i can drive over to Davids and Ava's andi don't have to walk to school any more i can drive. i call Ava as soon as possible

"OMG AVA i have know idea what i just did but i got my drivers license and right  after that a really red car"  i say  so excited


"OK"" i say

"MOM I'm going to Ava's"

"OK sweetie see you later what time will you be home"

"UM I'm gonna stay the night tomorrow at 2:00pm "

"OK see you then"


i get into my car and start driving away its like 8:00 pm its my first time driving at night and im nervous someone in front of me driving like a frig in drunk maniac so i i go around him he yells behind at me looking very drunk then flips me off he starts driving faster and runs into the back of my car my head jerks forward hitting my head against the steering wheel it feels like i hit my head on stone cold ice i fall back my visions blurry the women in front see's everything and calls an ambulance it feels like forever until they get here and when they do this is all i hear.

"lets gets some pain medication she's in huge pain"

i know the ambulance is going slow so I'm not that worried we hit a bump and then i knocked my head against the cold Stael gurney the ambulance flashes it lights and my visions blurry i hear yelling and screaming then i black out.

i wake up in the morning my head hearts SO bad I'm in hospital bed my moms there with Ava and David.

"Hey wheres dad?"

"Dad oh he couldnt make it he is on a business trip"

"OK" i say upset

"Mrs.Lakes is it all right for a moment alone with her??"David said nervous

"yes"mom says

Ava and mom walk out of the room head to the cafeteria to get me some yogurt david kisses my forhead very softly

"what did you do"he says with a little smirk

"i dont know really"i say sassy

he gives me a mirror to see my forehead and lays down on the bed with me my forhead has a stiches and bruises

"hey can we come in"ava says laughing

"yea i dont care" i say

"Tommorow  morning she will be good to go home" the nurse says with a smile

"ok" i  say

i wake up and its ready to go we go home and it takes a week to recover.



love never fails to me chapter1Where stories live. Discover now