chapter 5

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Okay seriously this wasn’t supposed to happen.

I didn’t mean to do this.

It just happened.

Like everything that ever happened with Melissa Hills.

It just happened.

It wasn’t intentional.

I swear.

As long as where Melissa Hills was concerned,

My heart took a mind of it’s own.

And did things that were totally irrational.

Seriously when I come to think of it later on,

Most of the stuff I said or did to Melissa Hills,

I go like man what was I thinking!

What’s wrong with me!

Am I some sort of sadist?

That girl brings the worst in me.

I’m not my usual self in front of her.

I do and say outrageous stuff!

And who do I blame for this?

Melissa Hills of course.

That girl is cursed I tell you.

I don’t know why but she just gets on my nerves!

So half of the stuff I do,

Rational or irrational,

Most of it is deserved.

But I swear that girl is bad news.

Never have I ever felt such intense feeling.

With anyone else.

I don’t know why but my mind just itches to do something when I see her.

Do something to sort her out.

I don’t know what.

But just do something!

And I’ve done it.

I’ve done stuff to make her rethink about herself.

I’ve done stuff to let her know that not everyone loves her!

People hate her too.

What am I saying!

Of course no one loves her!

How can they she is Melissa Hills!

Snobbiest individual I have ever come across.


Miss. Know-it-all

Ms. I’m so rich and pretty.

As if.

On cue my brain protested.

But she is rich and pretty.


I admitted.

She is.

One of the prettiest girls I have seen so far.



Forget I said it.

She-beast is not pretty!

Personality vise at least.

My brain protested again.

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