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Is the a single abstract that would give you the right to ruin me? Destroy me? That right is a right only I can hand over to you

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Is the a single abstract that would give you the right to ruin me? Destroy me?
That right is a right only I can hand over to you. To someone I know won't misuse it. But ain't it the truth, even the wisest of the eyes can be blinded.
It u fortunate. But it's real. It happens, you trust the wrong person. And don't trust the right person. It happens a lot.
We repent. Also a whole lot. What can we do? We've given the right. We're on our knees, begging please. It doesn't give you the right to ruin me.
What can you do?
Take the right back. Stand without that support event though your knees buckle.

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