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Jazmine had already put in six hours of her eight-hour shift when things went from bad to worse. It started with a pale face announcing loudly that she as a whore because they had apple pie instead of apple crumble and it ended with three faces she didn't want to see.

She had been standing by the entrance to the kitchen, talking about school with Harry and his son Seth when Emily, Sam and Jared came into the diner. 

"It's not like Paul to not be around," Harry commented and Jazmine nodded absently while watching the three find a seat.

"He's got practice for the game on Monday. The scout from UCLA will be there and he really needs that scholarship." Jazmine knew she sounded like a proud mom but she couldn't help it.

"Well let's hope it all goes to plan." Harry smiled and if Jazmine had been paying attention she would've noticed how false it looked.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later. It seems I've got customers." Jazmine grabbed her notebook from the counter and freed her pen from her hair. She made her way over to the table and tried not to look angry.

"What can I get you?" She asked and Jared rolled his eyes at the boredom in her tone.

"A better attitude." He scoffed and she turned with a sarcastic smile.

"Sorry honey, but you get what you give around here." She made sure to let her eyes linger on Emily's scars so they'd know she wasn't only referring to attitude.

"That's not on Jaz, apologise, now." Jared snapped. Jazmine stepped back and shook her head.

"Where do you think you get off telling me what to do? Also, don't fucking call me Jaz. You've given up that right." She snapped.

"You don't get to talk shit about Emily." Jared stood from his chair and glared at her.

"Well if someone came between Paul and I like Emily did to Sam and Leah I'd say the same thing!" She shoved at Jared's chest.

"Hey, what's going on?" Gary, the cook yelled from the kitchen.

"You're coming between you and Paul. He hates you because you want him to choose between you or his mom and sister. He's just too scared to say it because he knows what you used to be like after your mom died." Jazmine felt as if she'd been punched in the stomach, in fact, she probably would've preferred it.

"Jared!" Sam snapped and Jazmine blinked slowly. She felt as if she was trapped underwater.

"You need to take that back now. Her illness isn't something you have the right to mention." Emily spoke softly, ever the voice of reason.

"Illness? Paul told you?" Jazmine asked and looked between Sam and Jared.

"He was my friend Jaz, we didn't keep secrets." Jared sighed as if he was done with the whole conversation.

Jazmine untied her apron and threw it onto one of the tables, dropping her notebook and pen. She was ready to leave but before she could she had to ask one question.

"Did Paul really say that?" She asked in a whisper.

"No, honey of course not-" Emily was cut off by Jared who nodded.

"Just before I got sick." Jazmine nodded slowly and left the diner, ignoring Gary screaming at her from the kitchen about having another two hours. She knew she was probably about to lose her job but she couldn't find it in her to care.

One of her biggest fears was that Paul would get sick of her pushing him to do things that he didn't want. He wasn't ambitious before she met him, he would've gone to the community college in Forks if he thought he'd get away with it.

Turning Tables (Paul LaHote)Where stories live. Discover now