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Jazmine play tackled Jared and sent him crashing to dirt. Sam wanted them to be able to fight if they ever needed too but he was growing exasperated because Jazmine and Jared wouldn't sit still.

He was just getting ready to enforce his commands but was distracted by the sound of a howl. Another presence entered their mind and Jazmine fought through the confusion to figure out who it was.

"Paul, it it Paul?" Jared demanded and Jazmine shook her head.

"No, Jake, is that you?" Jazmine asked softly. The wolf was a bit panicked and couldn't focus on anything. It wasn't until she looked through his eyes she figured out who it was.

"Well, someone's daddy was a bad boy." She frowned when she realised Embry was the wolf that was howling up a storm. Jared laughed so hard while thinking about the kiss that he phased back by accident.


"So, I'm a wolf then?" Embry asked and Jazmine nodded. She was leaning against the porch while Embry paced. Since she knew Embry best it was her job to get him accustomed to all he needed to know.

"Which means I'm related to a direct descendant of a tribe elder?" He asked and Jazmine nodded slowly. No one knew who Embry's father was and that wasn't a problem, shitty parents weren't uncommon. But now his shitty dad was also someone else's dad.

"Let's focus on the actual wolf thing. It makes my head hurt to focus on the fact you might be my brother." Jazmine shook her head at the thought. She fought her own gag reflex at the thought of having kissed her possible brother.

"So what now?" Embry asked and Jazmine shrugged. She felt as if there was something she was forgetting and she ran through everything Sam had told her.

"Well, there's the strength, the enhanced hearing, vision and sense of smell. Not much hurts physically, you'll be really warm for a while I guess." Jazmine listed the things on her fingers but still struggled to find one last thing.

"What about Quil and Jake?" Embry asked and it dawned on Jazmine.

"You can't talk to them for a while Em." Jazmine frowned and watched Embry nod. He was kind of expecting it.

"But they'll go through this, won't they?" He asked and Jazmine nodded with a soft smile.

"It's better this way. I was so scared for what the change would do for your friendship with them. I didn't want you to be alone, but now you won't be. You're one of us now." She smiled and he nodded.

"Does Sam and Jared hate me now?" Embry asked and Jazmine smiled.

"No, Sam's never had much of a dad so he thinks that you may possibly be his brother. Jared is really close with his dad but you hear rumours, living on the Rez. Some people say his dad had an affair but when his mom got pregnant with Soph they decided not to divorce." Sophia was only a year younger than Embry and Jazmine knew he understood what she was thinking.

"There's other possibilities right?" He asked and Jazmine nodded.

"None of the tribe elders can be ruled out. My dad, Quil's, Harry Clearwater, Mr Littlesea, Mr Fuller." Jazmine listed and Embry nodded.

"What about Paul's dad?" Embry asked lightly and Jazmine's hands shook. Sam was standing at the door in an instant but Jazmine rolled her eyes.

"Paul's dad is also a possibility." Jazmine conceded and stood up. She shook her arms and paced for a few seconds before taking her seat on the porch again.

"Now let's talk about our ticks. Ticks are the name we've given to the topics that anger us enough that we lose all control if not handled properly." Jazmine smiled and Embry frowned.

"Mine would be Paul, any insinuations about us or talking about how we used to be together. Just don't do it. Sam's is insulting someone he loves. Be very clear you're joking at all times. Jared doesn't like to be referred to as anything other than wolf or shapeshifter. Call him a freak and you'll be running on three legs." Jazmine warned. Sam snorted but made his way back inside when he knew it was safe.

"Won't Paul be a wolf, though?" Embry asked and Jazmine turned to face him.

"Did you miss what I just said?" She snapped.

"Sorry, so what about imprinting, that's real too?" Embry asked and Jazmine nodded.

"You obviously know all about Sam and Leah. Well, what happened was Sam phased and then he imprinted on Emily. Jared and Kim had it a lot easier." Jazmine laughed.

"Who should be next to phase?" Embry asked and got his answer when Jazmine narrowed her eyes.

"But you guys haven't got it down to a science yet, like it could be days, maybe months?" Embry guessed and Jazmine nodded.

"It's usually pretty easy, we know the descendants and we can usually figure out due to sickness. The only reason you missing school escaped us is because we had no idea you were one of us." Jazmine admitted.

"So basically it's going to suck but then the guys will phase and it will get better?" Embry asked and Jazmine nodded.

"It was easier for me, I had no one left when I phased."


Embry had taken to being a wolf extraordinarily well. While no one had the guts to enquire into his true father they chose to ignore it. It might cause a rift in the pack.

Jazmine avoided her home more than ever but felt awkward when she hung out at Sam and Emily's, she felt as if she was in the way. The holidays were fast approaching and Embry felt as if it wasn't necessary that he went in every day.

His mom was losing her shit along with Jake and Quil but there wasn't much they could do when they never saw him around.

Embry liked being a wolf. He didn't like patrol as much but he spent most his free time being a wolf. They didn't talk about the kiss and the pair grew closer.

Jazmine felt like Embry understood her problem with having imprinted on Paul. He could see the flaws in imprinting in a way the others couldn't. He even indulged her when she changed up patrol so it ran closer to Paul's house.

He knew it hurt not being able to see him but Jazmine thought she was doing the best for everyone so Embry lets her. She had to make her own mistakes.

While no one brought it up, his father weighed heavily on his mind. He was too afraid to ask but he still wondered who it might've been.

It was tempting to find out if he had any siblings but at the same time all of his possible fathers were happily married, well married when he was born.

Most days he pushed the thought out of his mind and focused on how he felt like he belonged with the pack. Before this, he was always the new guy. No one but Jake or Quil took the time to befriend him, but now he had a network of friends and family.

Turning Tables (Paul LaHote)Where stories live. Discover now