Chapter 1

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When Tony woke up that morning he knew that something was off. He and Loki had been together for five years and married for three and never in that entire time had Loki woke up before him, so why was Loki's side of the bed empty? Tony moved around the bed with uncoordinated movements due to his tiredness. He sit up and looked at his alarm clock; five in the morning. Now the man was starting to get worried. Loki was like a cat he loved sleeping and lie ins were one of his favorite things; he would never get up at five.

"Lokes?" Called Stark. Silence was his only answer. The superhero stumbled out of the bed and started looking for the God. "Loki, oh Loki! Come on this is not funny." He shouted. All of sudden a small broken whimper got his attention. It was coming from the bathroom. The inventor ran into the room and there he found Loki. The Frost giant was lying on the floor near the toilet, panting, white as the wall behind him and covered in a thin layer of sweat.

"Hey snowflake, you ok?" Asked Tony in a hushed tone kneeling in front of his lover.

"Do I look okay to you Stark?" Snapped back the God.

"So now we are back at calling me Stark eh? You must be really sick." Joked the inventor.

"I'm not sick, I'm dying."

"Come on you're not dying you just have the flu, come back to bed."

"Too tired to walk. Carry me."

"Alright princess." Tony picked up the God bridal style and carried him until they reached the bed where he laid him down. He placed his hand on the God forehead but it wasn't really hot, just warm and sticky with sweat. Loki in the meantime was burying himself under all the blankets he could find. "Hey Lokes, what are you feeling exactly?" Loki groaned and emerged from under the covers. "I feel sick, and my head hurts and I'm tired." Mumbled the God already half asleep. "Alright let's just go to bed, ok?" Loki answered with a snore. Tony hugged the God bringing his warm body nearer and wondering what could possibly be wrong with him. He decided that it was better to let Loki be seen by a doctor but that could be done at a more human hour that morning, so he dozed off.


"No, everything looks fine; your temperature is okay, breathing too...maybe you just have a stomachache." Said Banner after he finished visiting Loki. "Thank you Bruce, see Lokes, you're not dying!" Cheered Tony smiling at the God who had his eyes closed and his head was resting on his shoulder...hey was Loki sleeping?

"Oh princesses?" Called Tony patting Loki on the arm. The Asgardian jumped and his eyes flew open.

"Yes! What?!"

"Hey, calm down, you fell asleep, just wanted to let you know that you're okay and not dying, wanna go back to bed?"

"Yes, please. Can I have some chocolate?"

"Some what? Loki you just threw up, I don't really think that chocolate, is the best thing for you right now."

"But I want some! Please!"

"You're a child. Ok, I'll bring you some chocolate."

"Thank you darling, can you bring me also some green tea?"

"But you've never liked green tea!"

"Well I do now."

Loki was really a child sometimes.


The following week was a complete hell. Loki threw up nearly every morning and was always tired. When he wasn't tired he had terrible mood swings and passed more time in the bathroom than with Tony. He also had strange cravings.

"Loki I'm back with your doughnuts, do I have to bring them to you or the princess can walk for once?" Asked Tony walking in the living room.

"Oh Anthony just in time! I don't want doughnuts anymore, do we have any ice cream?"

"Are you kidding me? I just got back from the shop to buy your stupid doughnuts and NOW you tell that you don't want them?! What the hell Loki!?" Tony was shouting by now. He knew it was stupid to get mad for something so insignificant, but he'd barely had any sleep since he was always helping Loki or was too worried for the God to rest. Loki's eyes were filling with tears and he looked shocked and sad.

"You don't love me anymore..." He whispered, looking down. One single tear fell from his eye and Tony threw himself on the couch where the God was and started hugging him.

"No, no, never, I love you so much, I'm just really stressed because of this whole thing. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Each word was followed by a kiss and the God was smiling again.


"Yes, I love you so much, look I'll go and buy you an ice cream! What flavor do you want?"

"Vanilla and chocolate."

"Vanilla and chocolate awesome! I'll come back in no time, maybe we could cuddle on the couch after I come back, yeah sounds good, choose a film Lokes! Bye!!"

Tony was talking really fast still scared of the God reaction, so he bought the ice cream and came back at home. He took some blankets and hugged Loki. That night they watched Beauty and the Beast.


"Tony can I talk to you for a second?" Asked Bruce one afternoon two days after.

"Sure. What's up?"

"Have you ever though about the possibility that Loki might be, you know...pregnant?"

"Bruce, do you realize that Loki is a male, right? I know that the long hair can trick sometime but-"

"Tony I'm serious. All his symptoms are usually caused by a pregnancy. I know he is a male, but he is also a shapeshifter, and I've done some research and if what I found out is true, he had already gave birth in his past." Tony's face was almost comical. His eyes were wide and his lips thin. He stared at the doctor for half a minute.

"Maybe you two should talk...let me know ok?" Tony nodded as the other Avenger left the room.

"Oh, and Tony, this might be useful." Said Bruce throwing a small box which said "pregnancy test".

Oh god.


Hey there!

So thank you so much for reading this...thing.. i REALLY hope you liked it, and hey, if you did, leave me a review those make me very happy :)!

This will be 3 parts story and the next parts will be posted very soon i promise ;)


So yeah i think that's everything,

i hope you're all having a good day!

cece :)

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