The fun begins here.... I guess.

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I couldn't manage to get back to sleep. Like seriously I laid on my back hugging the covers up to my neck with my eyes wide open. The fact that I couldn't hear anything downstairs worried me a lot. What on earth was Koda doing to be so quiet? Had she found a way into my room?! I fucking hope not! And like a shot I sat up turning on my bedside lamp and scanned my room. No sign of Koda in here. I gave my room a weird look as if I was sure I had heard something. Convincing myself that Koda was still downstairs, I laid back down. Still wide awake.


Let's just say after that I ran so fast out of my room my feet didn't hit the fucking floor. I flew down the stairs tripping down the last few and into the living room flicking on the light. Koda stood in the middle with an innocent look on her face and a smashed plant pot lay on the floor next to her in pieces with soil spilling out of it.

I gave Koda look that read Why the fucking fuck would you do that!

"What." She said with that innocent look.

"What happened?"

"I didn't mean to it was an accident I promise!"

"No, it's OK don't worry about it." I replied to a worried Koda who seemed to calm down after I said that.

"Sit down I'll clean it up."

Koda refused to sit down, she said she wanted to help clean it since she caused it. I don't know why. But I allowed to let her help anyways.

"How do you use this?" Koda asked pointing to the dust-pan and brush that I'd gotten out.

"I'll show you."

Koda had that excited smile on her face like she first had when I demonstrated how my phone worked. I smiled at her enthusiasm, but if she wanted to find out how the damn dust-pan and brush worked then she better be prepared to be disappointed.

I sighed as I began sweeping up the soil that had spilled onto the carpet, after I'd sweeped all the soil I looked at Koda. She still had her excited face still expecting something fascinating to happen.

"That's it."

"What do you mean that's it?" Koda questioned.

"That's all this does. It sweeps stuff up."

Koda had a look of pure disappointment on her face.

"Well that's rubbish." Koda half shouted at the object in my hand.

"Yeah, I know." I replied standing up, I poured the rest of the soil into a bowl before looking at the broken pot on the floor.

"Wanna' help me fix it?" I asked referring to the broken pot next to her.

"Will it be boring?"

I pointed back to the soil in the bowl. "Not as boring as that."

Koda smiled and nodded.

"Ok, I'm just going to get the super glue." I announced walking to the cupboard where it was kept.

"Super glue?!" Koda shouted excitedly.

"Why do you sound so excited?" I asked whilst opening the top drawer, grabbing the tube.

"It has the word super in it! It has to be awesome!" Koda yelled.

"You really don't get out much do you?"

"What does that mean?" Koda asked cocking her head to the side.

"Nothing! Don't worry about it." I said shocked as I realised what I said giving myself a mental bitch slap to the face.

"Ok." Koda replied shrugging her shoulders.

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