Spiritual BodyWash

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How do you survive?
Of course you will say to me Oxygen, A minute or even a few seconds without oxygen, you are basically gone.

And that is exactly what your spiritual heart needs.

1)  Oxygen: spiritual oxygen to keep it pumping throughout. It needs this spirituality to flow through, to keep you breathing and healthy.

Now you will ask me what is this spiritual oxygen?
Salaah. Yes Salaah. That is all you need. That is your oxygen. Without it you are basically dead. You are not living anymore.
Like narrated in Hadeeth: The only difference between you and a non believer is Salaah. That is what is special about us and which makes us believers, muslims.

Let me give you an example: an everyday example, say your doctor prescribed you with some pills, you had to take them at their prescribed times and if you ever missed the timings, then your body will respond in a negative way. You would not go having 5 tablets in the morning, saying this will suffice for the day. As that obviously will kill you. Or you would not miss a few timings.

That is exactly the situation with Salaah. You don't pray all 5 in the morning hours, or you can't miss 2 and pray 3. Its incomplete and will then result on adverse effects on yourself. Your spiritual self.
So my point is, your first spiritual need is oxygen which is your salaah. Your 5 daily prayers. Keep firm with them and your body and state of heart will stay healthy till the end.

2) Food & Water : spiritual consumes.
Your body needs food, it needs something to assist it's flow. And this is as we know food and water, because without it we cannot do anything.
We all have more or less experienced it. A few hours without food, we have no energy left within us. So naturally we go and consume to fuel our tanks.

And in the same way your spiritual self needs that too. It needs to consume something which will keep it running and energetic throughout. That is the Quran. The words of Allah Azzawajal which will keep you energetic, healthy and healed throughout.
Even a few words will fill you half way, a few chapters of the Holy Qur'an will fuel you for the rest of the day. And there is nothing that will make you feel content and energetic other than the words of Allah.

Let your body consume the right things, then sit back and watch the beautiful effects naturally take place. Things will begin to fall into place.

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