The Game (Bradley Will Simpson/The Vamps Fan Fiction)

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I was going to see him. Brad. We'd been texting for a few months. We met through a friend, Tristan, exchanged numbers an all but we didn't start talking until a few months back. He seemed nice and sweet, but he had his times were he'd send me dirty messages, making me quite uncomfortable.

I got out of bed, pretty quickly. Showered and changed into my skinniest jeans, a white peplum top, a hoodie and a pair of black lace up boots. Cute but casual. I dried my blonde hair pinning back my fringe. I entered the kitchen popping a pop tart in the toaster, making myself a cup of coffee and taking my pop tart out of the toaster, eating it before drinking my coffee as quickly as possible. I then ran back upstairs to brush my teeth a second time.

I ran out the door with excitement. I was finally meeting Brad. As my walk to the lake, where we agreed to meet, ended I saw him. I didn't know about this place before he told me. He was sat on the grass. His thick brown curls blowing in the gentle breeze. His chocolate eyes focused on something in the distance. His complexion glowing as the sun beams hit his skin. I didn't want to disturb his daydream so I walked over, butterflies filling my stomach with every step closer taken. I placed myself on the grass, mirroring him. His head whipped 'round, his angelic face now in full view. I looked into his eyes, different tones of brown swirling into one another. I examined the rest of his pale, plump face, his cheeks were a soft pink, pinched from the cold air that surrounded us. My eyes then rested upon his thin, rose coloured lips. I suddenly felt the urge to kiss him there and then, but that would be taking things way too fast, and would instantly make things awkward.

He began to lean in, his eyes flickering back and forth from my eyes to my lips. Wait, was he going to kiss me, already. I closed my eyes, awaiting his lips to reach mine. He chuckled, and grabbed the back of my neck with his hand, this was really happening. "Hey" he whispered, goosebumps rising along my neck as his warm breath lightly brushed my skin. My eyes shot open, as I noticed a kiss was not going to take place today. I felt the temperature of my cheeks rise, and looked down biting my lip in embarrassment and frustration. "Hi" I mumbled, I was disappointed and annoyed that he'd teased me within a few seconds of meeting him in person. He must be some sort of player. This must all be a little game to him. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. I've only just met the guy, I need to give him a chance.

"Don't be shy, I know I'm good looking an all but" he winked, I nudged him, giggling to myself. "Don't flatter yourself Bradley!" He chuckled, which resulted in the both of us in fits of laughter. "You look beautiful today" he commented after we'd calmed down. My cheeks became a shade a fusia, I wasn't used to boys complementing me. "It's cute when you blush" he added as he gently pushed a piece of hair that had escaped the hair grip, behind my ear with his fingers. "Thank you" I barely whispered. A silence clouded us. An awkward silence.

"So I don't get a complement then?" He exclaimed, making me jump slightly at his outburst. He rested his hand on his heart, as if he was offended. "I like your shirt" I replied simply. I wasn't lying. I liked what he was wearing, black skinny jeans, black vans and a white T-shirt with different coloured moustaches printed on the cotton fabric. It was simple. "Thank you" he smiled, but I knew he wasn't actually expecting a compliment.

I turned my head to the picturesque scenery that was laid in front of us. The lake side was muddy and flooded with water that had fallen from the sky the night before, but Brad and I were sat on the dryer parts of the ground. The lake was an aqua blue, and shimmered in the sunlight like glitter. Branches, covered in a mixture of green toned leaves, fell over the lake elegantly, the wide trunk still standing strong even though it was slightly slanted, obvious that the weather had been affecting its grasp on the boggy earth. Slate coloured mountains stood in the distance. "It's beautiful here isn't it" Brad sighed contently, in a raspy voice. "Breathtaking".

"How did you find this place?" I asked curiously, I'd lived around this area since I was a baby, cradled in my mothers arms, yet I'd never come across this peaceful setting before. "I went on a walk one day, looking for inspiration to write, and I guess my legs carried me here" he shrugged his shoulders. "What do you write" I questioned curiously once again. We hadn't really gotten to know each other over the period of time we were texting. "Tris and I are in a band, The Vamps, we mostly write about girls and stuff, so I wanted to bring something different to the table, you know what I mean?" I felt his gaze on me, I turned to face him, we both smiled. "Did you manage to write anything?" I asked, getting slightly worried I was annoying him with all my questions. "I'm still working on it" he replied calmly.

He stood up, extending out an arm and holding onto my fingertips, lifting me to my feet. He kept hold of my hand, lifting it to his lips and placing a delicate kiss the back of my hand, like a prince in a Disney film. I giggled at his action, blushing slightly at his romantic gesture. He chuckled, after coming to realisation at how cliche he'd been a few seconds ago. He intwined our fingers, leading me away from the lakeside. "C'mon, there's a few swings down there" I nodded, following his lead as we walked down to the plastic seats hanging from a rusty red bar. "Let's play 20 questions" he proposed as he sat down. "How about 10" I smirked. "Ok, I'll take anything I can get" he laughed, holding up his hands in defeat.

"First impression of me?" he smirked. "Through text or?". "I don't mind, either, as long as their good" he winked, laughing at hisself. I took a few minutes to think about it. What did I think of Bradley Will Simpson? "Funny, cheeky, and cute I guess" I answered, sounding a little bit unsure with my answer. Bradley nodded. A few questions later he'd asked me about school, food, music and hobbies. He was now on his last question. He sat there for a while, deep in thought, I wondered what was going through his mind. His face lit up. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" I sighed. I dreaded this question would come up. I took a deep breath, exhaling as I looked back down to the river. "I'll let you know" I answered simply. That was all he was getting from me. I didn't love Bradley, or at least I thought I didn't, I didn't even know if i liked him yet. I thought he was attractive yes, but did I see him more than a friend?

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