Part Five ..... Sneaking Around

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For the third time, Lydie wondered how she'd gone from a great afternoon with Aiden, to listening to Camille babble.

"Today was almost a complete disaster." Camille flung herself onto the bed and covered her eyes. The other two girls were lounging around Camille's room, listening to their friend complain. Lydie reflected on the fact that they were supposed to be studying for a history exam all now. At least, that's what she'd told her father she would be doing at Tabitha's house this evening. It was the only reason he allowed her to leave when Kaori had arrived to pick her up. Lydie had every intention of studying, too. Unfortunately, Camille seemed to have forgotten that it was a study session, and kept changing the topic back to her and Levi. As if Lydie wanted to hear the sordid details of her crazy romance with some guy who sounded more like a possessive ex-husband than a sweet romantic boyfriend. She stifled a frustrated sigh as Camille continued. "So Rio asked me out, but then Levi showed up. In the library! THEN, later Levi asked me who Rio was. He'd seen him standing by my table in the library and wanted to know who he was. The only thing he would believe is that Rio was my ex-boyfriend trying to get back together. I mean, really. It's so crazy."

Lydie brows shot up at this, but she said nothing. Kaori, however, burst out, "Are you kidding? You told him that Rio is your ex-boyfriend?"

"I didn't have a choice." Camille shrugged. "Things were moving so fast."

"You're not kidding!" Kaori exclaimed. "What's really crazy is -,"

"Yeah, anyway," Camille continued, "it's just so crazy, everything is moving way too fast. I mean, I didn't even have time to get rid of Rio, before Levi showed up."

Kaori opened her mouth and then shut it. Lydie would bet big bucks that had so not been what her friend was about to say! Personally, her own concern was that things were moving fast, yes, but because of taking the whole alter ego to school. They had specifically agreed NOT to do that. Switching between Rio and Levi was a whole other ball game. One that she didn't know how to play.

And from the looks of things, she was sure that Camille had no idea how to play either.

"Tab, what are you going-,"

"It's Camille, ok!" Camille stood and stalked to the back of the room, dragging her hand through the heavy mane of hair, which today reached almost to her waist, Lydie noted. "I don't know what I'm going to do," she exhaled. Pacing back and forth, she ran her palms over her black spandex shorts and top nervously.

Kaori and Lydie exchanged glances at the way their friend had so rudely cut Kaori off, and hadn't even noticed that she had. Camille was falling deep into this alter ego thing.

As Lydie eyed her, she considered that fact that even she couldn't pick out her friend from the alter ego any more. Just take a look at what she was wearing today: spandex shorts and a short matching top, midriff bare. Before, Camille had been afraid to show her body; now, she routinely sported the revealing outfits of her alter ego. Even her hair, the extensions that had cost a fortune and Camille was so proud of, were used more often than her usual braids. And if Lydie wasn't mistaken, that mane of hair had definitely not been as long a couple of days ago.

"I think," Camille began slowly, "that Tabitha has to stay home a little more often."

Kaori gasped. "But you've already missed so many days as it is."

Camille swung on her. "Well, I don't have a choice! Unless you have a better idea? Do you?" she challenged.

'How about forgetting all of this, and just being yourself again?' Lydie thought. But she wasn't bold enough to say it, not when her friend was acting so irrationally already. What would it take for Camille to see that she was going off the deep end with all of this?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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