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[A/N: Hey guys, long time no see. I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while, but I kind of (honestly) lost interest in this book. I loved loved loved writing it but in the end I kind of ran out of ideas. However, I felt so bad that I left it without giving it a definitive end, so that's why I am posting this. I have another book on here, and it's a Sherlock book, if any of you are into that show. I am also planning on releasing an original novel soon, so if you want to see that, give me a follow, and you'll be notified when I post the first chapter. Without further adieu, here is the last chapter of Tears On The Snow].

Third Person POV:

The year was 2019, Rain and Tom had settled in to a two story house on the Hollywood Hills, close to Tom's friend Jordan. They were really happy together, their love blossoming day by day.

They had been planning on having children for a couple of months now.

Rain's POV:

"Tom" I had yelled for my husband, who was lounging upstairs, playing some Call of Duty.

"What?" Tom's British voice filled the house.

"Would you come down here for a second babe?" my hands were shaking and Tom heard the worry in my voice, because in a couple of seconds he was barreling down the stairs.

He sat down beside me on the couch, not really seeing what was clutched in my shaky hands.

"What is it Rain?" he asked, worry filling his eyes. He took my hands into his and pried them open, taking out the object that was lodged in them.

A pregnancy test.

"You're going to be a father, Tom" I said, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"I hope those are happy tears, because these certainly are" Tom stared down at the two lines on the pregnancy test and then looked up at me, and I noticed that his eyes were filled with tears too.

I pulled my husband into my arms, into a tight embrace, and whispered into his ear, "We're going to be parents Tom".

"And damn good ones too" he laughed.

I hit his arm, "You're going to have to get rid of that language mister, I said jokingly.

Tom hugged me again, evidently happy that this was finally happening.

~~ Five Years Later ~~

"Tom, can you take Andy out on a walk while I make dinner?"my voice echoed through the house and I heard a loud 'of course' in response. I threw some carrots into the pan and kissed Tom on the cheek and then ruffled my daughter's hair.

They left the house and I finished cooking dinner and plated it.

Tom and Andy came back just as I had put down the last fork.

"Welcome home" I smiled, "Dinner is ready, go change before you sit down though".

I was happy. I had a family, a husband who loved me, a wonderful daughter, and a lifetime of fun ahead of me.

It was a dream come true for me, I could have never dreamed of this. I thank my lucky stars every single day for this, I am truly blessed.

All is well. My tears will never be on the snow again.

A/N: Short and sweet. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but here's a happy ending for the story. Thanks for reading you guys <3

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