Chapter 4

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Kenma pov-

"Holy shit," Kuroo whispered under his breath, taking in the sight my naked body

"Oh fuck!" I start freaking out, trying to cover up, while Kuroo just stares at me wide eyed.

"Ok calm down," Kuroo walks toward his dresser, pulling out a shirt that says 'check meowt' with a drawing of a winking cat. He walks toward me, closing his eyes. I can still see that he is just squinting. His hand touches my chest, and his eyes fling open.

"S-sorry" he mumbles.

Shit! I think to myself. This was a mistake. Why the fuck did I think coming here was a good idea? I have to leave. I have to go anywhere but here. I squirm myself out of his reach and awkwardly walk out of the door; trying to keep from flashing Kuroo again.

I find a pair of Kuroo's sweat pants laying on his bedroom floor. I don't care if they're dirty i just have to get out of this shitty situation i buried myself in.

"Kenma wait," Kuroo pleads, following my to his room, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that- i have no idea what came over me. Please, don't go," he looks down at me, then turns to the drawers. He opens one of them and pulls out a clean pair of joggers.

"At least wear these; these ones are clean," my former best friend tosses the pants at me, "I'll let you change," Kuroo walks towards the door, taking one last look at me before walking out and closing it.

What the hell do I do now?

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