Unit 5-7

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They said this Operation would be sucessful, The bomb would be dropped on Russia and the war would be over, They lied to the masses of the world. Leaving us to die as the nuke dropped on us, Mutating the world, And now what? Well, I can't really explain that for you, Guess you will just have to see the past won't you? Well it all started back in 2044, The Russians were on the move, Taking France, England, And Italy. Hitting all the major offensive oppositions, Soon America and Canada was called in too help out, I was apart of a small unit, As I was the youngest they called me 'Young Blood', I hated the name but it stuck, Soon we were deployed to the small country of Herzegovina, We were later forced into a advanced landing craft with some Salt-Lickers and Marines. (Navy Personnel.) As the Landing craft sputtered to life, The Marines were making jokes about former wifes and ex's, I just sat at the back, Keeping my rifle close, If something was to happen, It wouldn't be me to die. About a hour later we touched onto shore, It was dark and nobody dared to speak, We were in enemy territory, our NVG's were thrown on, We moved onto shore, Something looked wrong to me, I stopped dead in my tracks, "RPG!" I yelled just before the man fired, Everyone threw themselfs to the ground, The crack and boom of the RPG striking the summer dirt, Screams of the injured and gunfire from the soldiers, "Ambush!" Suddenly a droning noise was so loud, We couldn't hear over our own gunfire, Then a explosion sent me flying back, Blacking out in the cold water.

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