Letter to My Queen

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I hope that in your darkest times, you may read this and think of yourself as the Queen and this as my plea for you to be better when you are at your worst. Enjoy.

   To my Queen, a woman so extremely wise you would think she had millennia to engross herself in such deep self-reflection; in turn, knowing her flaws more than any lover will. 

Each word is chosen as carefully as one would dump a deck of cards. Somehow, these cards fall gently into their written suit and color. 

Though I have never met her, seeing her speak makes me think I have a dozen times over. 

Though she is generous, emotions drive her words and actions. Never have I seen anger, pure and raw, steam from her eyes until the day war was proclaimed on our soil. Her people, our people killed out of hate. Like the leader she is, she stood amongst her disciples and yearned for humanities redemption. She knew silence was all too familiar to our ears, so she cried just to make a noise

It is in that moment that I realized that she was once again living out what her feelings breathed.

 Never had I heard such words come from her mouth before as blame and seething rage. She made me realize something that grows within the hearts of every man and woman, excessive love and ragged loathing for anyone who is also reined like a horse, and their horsemen are sentiment. 

We as Man are not hurt until we feel the burning sensation of love being ripped from us like a pedal from its bud. Once someone has felt that sting, they then wish for others to join them. 

This is the grand moment, so delicious that we must savor each second. We are starved people who have been granted the sweet nectar of hope. 

Instead of following the path taken by many before her, my Queen lives the words of Robert Frost, taking the one less traveled by, and it has made all the difference. 

Many a man would take up his weapons and charge with his followers to end those who make him suffer. 

My Queen stands amongst her people, with the power to will those in a barbaric uprise, but as the gracious woman she is, she asks for justice with words, not swords. Calls, not barriers. Passion, not violent action. 

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." 

- Rachel 

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