chapter 4

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Fall rushes into winter as the football season experienced some of the snow at the end of our season. I wouldn't say my life revolves around football but my dad would say other wise. I'm sure the old man means well but sometimes he needs to lay off. I rush out the door quietly as to not wake my father, I  was in no mood to talk to him this early. I step out in the garage still fixing my uniform as it was another late start today. I lay my hair down with a few strokes of my fingers and back out of the garage. I turn up the radio a little louder then a hum and drive off half admiring the small piles of snow along the side walks. I'm about 2 minutes out and I pass an idiot walking to school. In this kind of weather? I start to slow down and pull over to the left where they walk. I assume they could see me as they start to walk faster. It being my last resort I crack my window a bit and instantly feel a breeze sweep in. I feel bad for this kid.
    "Hey, We're only like 2 minutes out want a ride?" The pedestrian stops in their tracks. I start to make out a short teen with black hair that still glistens like the snow. He whips his head around with eyes to match the hair. Is that Levi?
    "Hah. I'll pass." He continues to speed walk off. Now realizing who it is I pursue him. His looks haven't changed a bit, other then heavier eye bags.
    "Levi? Is it?" He doesn't even look my way and continues to walk off. "Levi, get in the car. You'll freeze!" That seemed to spark a response almost instantly.
    "So Smith can show empathy? Interesting. Now fuck off." His words fail to cut me like he wished they did. I didn't completely forget about our fling in the fall but I have a feeling we recalled it differently. With that I drive off knowing it was less then 1/4 of a mile ahead, I could start to make it out through out my windshield. I sit in the rest of my ride in silence wondering how I managed to avoid this kid the whole year last year, but bump into on the way to school. Had he still not forgiven me? I guess I hadn't given his feelings much thought after last fall.

I park in my assigned spot that was conveniently close to the school. I almost instantly attract Mike and Petra.
"Morning." I say still unpacking supplies i'd need for the day. Two short mornings were given in return.
"Well my day already is having a shit start. My car engine was doing God knows what so I had to get my mom to drop me off which almost made my late." Me and Mike both share a laugh. Petras struggle manage to bring us all smiles.
"My car was running just fine and I was still almost late." Petra and Mile continued to stare, waiting to hear the rest of the story. "Well I was already running late, then I see this kid walking to school. I offered him a ride and he blew me off. So I was late for nothing essentially." And then the response that I dreaded to hear came from Mike.
"Oh yeah I saw that guy too, I'm pretty sure it was that one kid you were talking to last fall." Petra cringed along.
"That weird kid, Levi." I felt so out of place at that moment. I just nodded along and walked off to home room.
"See you later guys." My smile slowly fading away as I turn away from them. I made so many mistakes back then, I know i've changed as a person so why am I so desperate to prove myself to Levi? Usually I would wave back at some of the kid's who wanted to stare but I was so lost in thought all of it just seemed like a waste of energy. I was nearing the end of the hallway which held my classroom in the end, all of the hallways were emptied out as homeroom check in was a few minutes. As I was about to enter the kid at the locker right outside the door was holding a nasty stare with the floor. Long and behold it was Levi, again. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Hey. You made it." I say taking a few steps out of the doorway I was about to enter. He just scoffed and shoved his books in his locker taking nothing but a pencil. He was about to scurry off before I instinctively grabbed his arm whilst telling him to wait. He's not gunna like this.
    "Back off!" He yelled at me while ripping his arm away. My assumptions were correct. Not wanting any more trouble I did as he said and walked into my classroom. I wonder how much I hurt Levi back then, and if he'd ever be able to forgive me. I don't think I initially cared that much, but something about someone holding that much anger towards me makes me feel uneasy.

The end of the day bell rang louder then the rest, as it meant pure freedom for the next 8 hours until school started again. I went back to my locker to pack my things, before leaving the school I sat my bag down under a water fountain to use the restroom. Before even entering I heard a vile sound coming from one of the stalls. Initially thinking it was none of my business to begin with, but when it didn't stop but got worse I started checking under the stalls to see who it was. I found the occupied stall and knocked on the door. I could hear a quiet panic as they tried to stop themselves.
    "Are you alright? Do you need me to get something?" I asked through the door.
   "I need you to leave." Was that Levi again? It's just not our day. I could barely make out his voice through the raspiness.
    "Levi. Tell me whats wrong." After a few more seconds of hearing him dry heave he flushes the toilet and opens the door almost making me fall through.
    "Like hell." He said pushing past me to reach the sinks. I shrug off our third encounter and finish the business I initially went in there for. After leaving the bathroom, I pick up my bag which was now soaked. Sure, maybe not my best idea to leave it under a water fountain but theres no way it could get this soaked from someone just drinking out of it! Someway or another I knew Levi was behind this. His attitude towards me was starting to wear down my layers as its mow been a year, and he's just being petty. I know our next encounter i'll fail to stay civilized. I met Petra and Mike waiting for me at the entrance of our school.
    "Late again?" Petra said teasingly. I nodded and tried to change the subject quickly before I had to explain my third encounter with Levi.
    "Milkshakes?" Of course it was a yes. We all headed out and met at our local Shake Shack.
After we all ordered we headed to our town's library, usually we study but we didn't have any tests coming up so we browsed around for new books, and we spent the rest of the winter daylight in there. After that we parted ways and headed home. As soon as I walked through the door our land line started ringing. "Got it!" I shouted up to my dad, not like he'd grab it anyway. "Hello." I answer quiet monotone, luckily it was a voice recording from our school.
  "Good evening parents and guardians, this is a reminder from Sina High that your student will be serving after school detention for the week of December the 3rd through December 8th. Reason: unexcused absence. For any further questions please contact Sina high at the number +1(619)-789-8978." Shit, I completely forgot. I'm a decent student I have to be being a football player and all, but last week me and Mike decided it would be fun to just skip school and head out of town because we wanted to feel bad ass (we did). I'm glad the old man was too lazy to reach the phone at this moment, but as for me I would be slaving away to Ms. Brzenska.

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