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Short fic


"Darling," Newt called from the other room, his head down and looking at his notebook. Scooting out his desk chair, making a horrid sound on the wooden floor, Newt stood up and raised his head, looking up at the staircase that showed your living room ceiling above. "Love, can you come down here for a minute?" He called a little louder.

"Coming!" He briefly heard you call, so he sat back down in the wooden chair and waited for you while looking back at his journal. The wizard was almost done with his research, he was so, so, close, and yet... something was missing, and he didn't even have the will to figure out what.

So lost in thought the wizard didn't hear you climb down the stairs so when you placed your hands on his shoulders Newt yelped in surprise.  You quickly removed your hands, a smile creeping on your face as you looked at him amused. "You needed me?" You ask.

"Ah yes, well." Newt nods, turning in his seat to face you. "I thought if I spent time with you, maybe I could get my inspiration back. I can't find a way to write another word down."

"Why would I be of help?" You asked, still smiling down at him with a raised eyebrow. Newt smiled back at you, dimples forming in his cheeks.

"Because you're so beautiful, why else? If anyone could help me it would be you and your smart little head." The magizooligist said this with such confidence that you found yourself blushing. He cocked his head to the side. "You do know your the most astounding person, right?"

"Oh, stop it!" You laughed, a little more self aware of how ugly you sounded this time as you tried to turn away before Newt grabbed at your sides. Suddenly standing right next to you, Newt had his hand running through your hair.

"I'm so glad we've met," He whispered, even though no one else was in the room except the two of you."You've got the most beautiful eyes and smile."

"If I didn't know better I'd think you're turning into a sap, Mr.Scamander."

"Maybe I am," He hummed, resting his forehead against yours and you found yourself getting red cheeks again from the closeness. "Don't act as if your not as equally smitten."

"Whatever do you mean?" You tried to feign innocence. Newt smiled.

"Like when I find you looking at me and you smile and look away. It's quite adorable, you know." The wizard kissed at your nose and held your gaze. "I wish you wouldn't stop looking."

"Shut up and kiss me already, Scamander."

"Well, that's good too."

Newt Scamander x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now