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Sobbing as I went ...
Down the dark alley...
In my little black dress..

I could hear someone calling in a distance
"Riley! Where are you going? "
I didn't really have the energy to really have someone around or talk to them anymore .
No more little Happy Positive Riley anymore .....
it's just me .. Riley ...

They were having my mom's funeral ...
The only person that I loved ...
that I cared...
only she knew everything...
Understood everything ...

It was always her ....
she was always there in times like this when I needed her.

And now she is gone..... .....

Just like all my dreams and hopes ...


Hi guys , just thought I write another one . Sry this is really short . Probably the shortest stories ever , but it's just a pre-chapter just to get the mood going . So stay tuned for more . Feel free to talk with me in the comments . Would love to hear your ideas or just anything at all . Bye ! 😝😝😝


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