Part 1

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As I woke up , I knew today would be nothing like any other days I had . It would be nothing without her . Eyes still puffed up a bit from last night's crying . I couldn't even remember how I got onto my bed last night . Rough much .

I got up , muscles still ached from last night . Hell knows what I did . And saw that my room seriously looked like it got trashed by some tornado . My clothes thrown , pictures on my shelf broken . Geez I really was out of my mind . At least now I can think better .

But still it wouldn't even matter . She was gone . She would have teased me for my bad temper and come in with some cup of hot cocoa and talked to me about it . But no , as I said , she's gone .

I lay back down not even having the appetite to go downstairs with my aunt who will be taking care of me from now onwards and eat my breakfast. I just stared at the ceiling , memories of her can't help but flood into my mind . Tears rolled down , dampening my pillow .

Then came in a knock on the door . I sighed , it must be my aunt .

"Come in"

She peeked in with a smile on her face .

"Do you want some breakfast ,dearie? "
"Not really hungry , Aunt Gwen"

"You know, your friends are really worried about you , you wanna go out with them sometime ? "

"As if anybody cared before my mom died " I replied back with a cold stare .

"Come on . What about Sam? "
"She literally betrayed me since 4th grade , aunt .. ughhhh" as I recall back the memories .

"Umm.. Well then , ummm.."

I knew my aunt was trying really hard to get me to socialize and get my life back on track , but she is also failing it miserably. Anyways , I probably should do it , for her and my sake . At least it'll make her feel better .

"Fine . There's a masquerade ball at school tonight. I'll try to go blend in with the other kids ok? "

" Yes . That sounds wonderful . Ooohh I see you're already prepared . You should have told me ." Said my aunt while pointing at my study table with a black elegant dark mask sitting on top of it .

I don't remember that mask there at all . Well , I forget a lot of things anyways . So, I should have a black dress I could match this with . Oh right , that dress I wore yesterday ... How could I forget ...

Ok . Let's just not get into this . Tears were starting to swell up in my eyes . If I want to go to that party without looking like a total crybaby I should stop it right now .

I texted Jen to tell her I'm fine . She's the closest friend I got . Well , after Sam , I didn't really care to get close to anybody at all. They'll just hurt my feelings . At that time I had my mom so I needed nothing more . But now she's gone as well..... leaving me at the abyss of loneliness, alone ...

Jen had send me like a ton of messages , not the get well or are you ok type of messages , just some random jokes to cheer me up . And they did . Just the way I liked it .

I texted her about the party and she was like so excited about it . She even blamed me for the late info and now she has to find a dress and a mask in less than a day . What can I say . At least I have someone still is treating me like a normal being and not all sympathy overload .

Well , at least my life is still going quite well .... umm ok it's not well but at least it's going somewhere ...I know I'll read a book . I always loved novels . They bring me out of my current miserable life and into the world of fiction , living in the perfect life of the main character and ending it all with a little perfect romance and a happily ever after .

So I spent the whole afternoon reading , indulge in my little fiction world of joy and tears . When I was almost finished with my book , I looked at the clock . What?! It's already half past seven . Gotta get dress quick .

I just shoved my dress down and stuffed the mask into my bag . Now for my hair ..... if mom was here she would have tied it up for me . Well , I think I'll just leave it hanging then ...

Then I bid my aunt goodbye and rushed out the door .

"About time gurl ...."
Jen said in her little turquoise dress while folding her arms , looking at me accusingly .

" Sorry lost track of time ."
"Come on . Hurry up . We are gonna be late if we don't hurry"
Said Jen while pulling my arm all the way to school.

When we were there , Jen got really excited and started mingling around . Well, I on the other hand wasn't really into mixing around with people , I'm more of a anti - socializing person. And if I talked to those who knew me , they would just sympathize me for losing my mom the other day which I hate it . I'm still the same , stop looking at me like that . I don't need you to remind me What I lost . I need someone to help me forget it , act like I still am normal for god sake .

Okay . I seriously need some fresh air . All of this is just killing me . I walked outside the garden for a little stroll you could say . The night sky was dark . No stars shone that night .

I was wrecked real bad that day . Anyways , there is no one here . I can feel alone again . Might as well have fun when I can . I wore my mask feeling a little bit alive again . I have always loved to dance since young , quite good at it too. But always too shy to show . As I followed the music through my heart , slowly through the lens of the mask , I started to see my mom and I dancing playing . We spun and laugh . That warm smile of hers ...

Bam! Head spinning ... as I open my eyes . I saw another boy with a black mask . He took my mask off and told me you need to get rid of it now.

My mind is spinning in circles as I try to process his explanation . But I'll I manage to get was "black...tracking me... using what I had lost .... kills ..end"


The boy quickly vanished .
"Wait!" I shouted at him.
But he was already gone .

"Where did you go ? I got worried . " asked Jen

I was still trying to process everything that happened and didn't really pay much attention to her

"Hello? Earth to Riley ?"

"Hmmm... oh... sry my mind was someplace else... I just needed some fresh air ..."

The whole night I just thought of that boy , he had the same mask . Something tells me that this isn't the end as I took home the mask curious of it . It had showed me memories I want to forever live in with my mom . And this mask was the key . But why does the boy mean ?


Hi guys ! As promised a longer chapter . Hope you guys like it ! Do press that star at the bottom so that I know you guys like it . Thxxx .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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