Chapter 9 Erica

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    I was in my car waiting outside of Marcus's apartment.

"Where is this nigga?" I mumbled looking at my watch.

The time was 3:17 and he was no where to be found. I had been waiting for him about 4 hours now, it may seem crazy but love is crazy. I had been ignoring his calls and texts since the night of his house party. I was hurt when I saw Chantel  come out of his bathroom,  but I didn't know if they were doing anything, she could have just been trying to pissme off. I glanced around the parking lot and in hopes of seeing Marcus but he wasn't there. I rolled my eyes and reclined back in my seat.

       Thirty minutes later, I saw his truck pull up into his parking space. I was sure to be discreet when watching him. It seemed like it took him forever to get out of his truck as I waited impatiently.  I ducked down and hid behind the tint as he walked by my car, I was surprised that he didn't notice it. When I felt like he was away from my car,  I stuck my head back up. I began tapping my thumb on the steering wheel, as I watched him enter his apartment.

        After looking over myself one more time in my review mirror, I stepped out of the car and locked the doors. While walking up the stairs,  I wondered where Marcus was and why he was out so late. I I quickly pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and knocked on his door. I ran my fingers through my hair and stood there picking my fingernails. He opened the door.

"Hey baby." I spoke wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a crazy look on his face.

"I wanted to forgive you." I spoke kissing his lips.

"Do you know what time it is Erica?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." I spoke removing my arms.

      Apparently he wasn't trying to hear that shit because he walked off.

"Marcus! I didn't come here to make you upset." I said pulling his arm.

"I'm about to get in the shower."

"Can I spend the night?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders breaking away from me. I feelings were hurt, I knew he was with her, I could smell sex on his body.

     I sat in the living room while he ran his shower water. When the bathroom door shut, I made my way into his room. I quietly searched through his drawers, under his bed,  and between his pillows for his phone,  when I looked on the nightstand I saw it. When searching through it I didn't find any messages from Chantel, a few naked pictures of girls but he never texted them back. I exhaled heavily as I put the phone back where I found it.

         I sat on the bed and and waited for Marcus to come out. When the door opened he was shirtless and only had on his boxers. He cut the light off leaving me in the dark and climbed in bed, pulling the covers over his head.

I know this nigga didn't.

Instead of picking an argument I just bit my tongue. I unzipped my jacket and pulled off my sweatpants, since I planned on having sex with Marcus, I didn't wear anything under them.

      I pulled the sheets back and got into the bed, sliding behind Marcus. Pressing my breasts against his back,  I wrapped my hands around him and slid my hand into his boxers.

"Chill out Erica." he mumbled.

I ignored him and continued.

"I'm tired." He said removing my hand.

I sat up and looked at him.

This nigga was never too tired to have sex. I thought.

      I cut the on the lamp that was sitting on the night stand.

"Who you been fucking Marcus?" I asked folding my arms.

He removed the covers and glanced me with a look of irritation.


"You heard me. Did you fuck Chantel tonight?" I asked starring straight ahead.

"Why are you trying to make up shit to argue about? I'm going to sleep."

He pulled the covers back over his head.

"You smelled like sex tonight. You said you didn't love her and that you wouldn't hurt me. How could you do this Marcus? Do you love her more than you love me? Please tell me if you don't care for me so that I can move on." I cried as tears rolled down my cheeks.

      When he heard me sniffling he removed the cover and starred at me.

"Why you crying baby? I'm just tired that's all, I been in the streets all day. I didn't fuck her, I told you I wouldn't do you like that." He spoke moving closer and wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you Marcus, so much." I wept on his chest.

"I feel the same way." He spoke holding me tightly.

       I knew that I was overreacting.  Marcus didn't love her anymore, it was clear that he loved me. I mean, I am the one who's in his bed.

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