~chapter 11~

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We sat nervously outside the room, peering into the Windows watching our beloved Eduardo lying peacefully.

"You will be able to be in his presence in a few weeks" a nurse told us as she wheeled a patients bed along the corridor.

"I hope your son is okay" Another doctor nodded as he walked past holding a clipboard.

People of all different status' were walking past telling us things, trying to make us Believe that Eduardo would get better.

We were all starting to lose hope. The whole day was spent sat outside the room as we watched the busy hospital life speed past us.

But at 2 o'clock sharp a police officer came marching towards us with a swarm of investigators and other fellow policemen and women.

"Mr and Mrs. Sacconejoly?" One of them asked sternly. I felt a shock of fear cripple down my spine.

Mum nodded whilst a small gulp went down her throat.

"Were here to question your family about the accident regarding your son" another stated with a nod.

"Seeing as you saw the accident at hand, we'd like to see you first" A policewoman said as she looked down at me.

"Ohh- okay" I replied as my voice shook. I was petrified. Just this morning we were getting excited to go to the water park and now we're sat in a hospital, getting questioned on what happened to Eduardo.

"Can we come with her?" Asked Mum.

The policeman shook his head and commanded me to stand up. He  led me to an office and let me sit down opposite him. Crippling with fear, I perched on the chair and stared at the officer.

"Miss Emilia Sacconejoly is it?"

I replied with a nod.

"Can you recall the events of this morning please" The officer said seriously, taking notes on a pad of paper.

"Um well..." I stuttered. "I was waiting and waiting for Eduardo to come down the slide. I was getting worried and then all of a sudden he crashed down the slide"

"And he was unconscious going down the slide or was he unconscious after he fell in?"

"Unconscious when he came down the slide" I informed him.

"Was there any dangerous things on the slide?"

"None at all, perfectly safe"

"Okay that's all Miss Sacconejoly, I will be speaking to your parents now. Thank you" the officer nodded and let me go.

I ambled out of the office swiftly and run back to mum and dad. A sweep of anxiety filled my body.

"You okay?" Mum asked as she engulfed me in a hug.

I shrugged and began to cry on her shoulder.

What an awful day. I never expected this would happen.

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