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It was getting to the good part.You were reaching the climax of a very interesting—and very long—book that you’d been reading continuously for the past four days straight.

Your mind became absorbed in the characters; when you weren’t reading the book, you were thinking about them. When you were sleeping, you were dreaming about them.

What would happen?

What would their conclusion be?

Would they all have a happy ending?

Those in your life knew you loved reading, so when you found a new book to occupy yourself with, they knew to leave you alone and let you enjoy it in piece, and they all respected your space and concentration—everyone but one person.Taehyung entered the apartment that you two shared, a smile on his face and a board game in his hands.“Jagi! Jagi~~~! Do you remember this game? Candy Land! I haven’t played since I was a kid! Play it with–” he would stop in his tracks when he’d see you on the couch, cuddled with a blanket, the book firm in your hands.

Geez, is that thing glued to her hands? He would think to himself. He would click his tongue and sit down next to you. When you wouldn’t even lift your head to acknowledge him, he’d poke your arm.

“Hey,” he’d say. Your Taehyung could definitely be greedy when it came to the affection you gave him. He loved the love you gave him way too much. When your attention was on anything else, he wouldn’t help but feel a bit cheated.


“Hm,” you hummed lightly, and nodded your head quickly at him as if to say hello. He let out a small grunt in utter disbelief of how involved you were in that darn book.

“Whatcha readin’?” He would lay his head on your shoulder. You shrugged him off lightly.“The same book I’ve been reading, Tae.”

“What part are you a—nevermind.” He would say, not wanting to invite himself into you ranting about the book like you so loved to do. Instead, he tried to wrap his arms around you.“Taehyung,” you whined, finally looking up at him. You’d then notice the board game that he brought into the living space “Oh… Candy Land.”He’d smile excitedly.

“Yes! Candy Land! Can you believe it? Some little kid had a garage sale and was only selling it for less than a dollar! Do you wanna play it with me?”

“Actually, I’m at a really good point in this book, but, um… call Jungkook. He might like it.”

“J-Jungkook?”  He’d say in a defeated voice, and would then groan when you’d start to read your book again.

“Jungkook is too competitive. I wanna play it with my girlfriend. Are you even listening to me?”You’d hum, starting to feel agitated at how much you were distracted at such a crucial point in the novel.He’d huff and leave the room, and you’d think that just maybe you’d gotten rid of him.But five minutes and one whole page later, he was back, calling your name and bouncing up and down.

“What is it, Tae?”

“I can’t find my phone charger~! I’m on two percent! What am I supposed to do if someone calls, or if I have a schedule coming up, or if one of the members gets hurt, or if a childhood friend wants to meet up with me? What am I gonna do!! This is a disaster! Help me look for it! Help me-”

“It’s. Right. There.” You’d say through clenched teeth, pointing sharply to the outlet in the wall where his charger was.

“…Oh. Thank you, cutie.” He’d smile and kiss your cheek before running over to plug his phone up. You buried your head back in your book,

“You know,” he’d plop down next to you. “I think that we should go to see a movie or something. There’s this new cartoon out that I-”

“Taehyung.” You would say, closing your book and sighing. He’d look at you happily.

“Yes, princess?”

“…please. I have less than one-hundred pages left in this book, and if you’d let me be, I could finish all of these pages tonight. Please. Let me finish it, and then I am one-hundred and ten percent yours. Please.” You would plead to him, feeling desperate and anxious to get to the end of the book that seemed unbelievably far away the more your boyfriend would interrupt you.

“Hmm,” he’d hum. “I really wanted to spend the day with you, though. I have a schedule tomorrow and the day after, so who knows when I’ll have as much free-time as I have now?”You sighed. You knew he was right. It was only fair that you spent time with him… but your book was so interesting. And you were almost done!

“Tell you what,” you said. “Pick out a really good movie and get some snacks for us, and report back in an hour. I’ll read as much as I can by then, and then for the rest of the day, I’m yours completely. We can even play Candy Land! Deal?”He shot up happily, a giddy smile on his face.

“D-deal!” You smiled happily as your boyfriend hopped off of the couch to go find a good movie, and with his absence, you opened your book again, hoping to read as much as you could before your highly-anticipated date with your love.


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