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Beyoncé, 7:07am.

"No, no, no, no!" I cried. I recounted the days on the calendar over and over again. "I'm late... Okay, don't panic." I took a deep breathe and counted again, but much slower. 7 days late.

I plopped on the couch and sighed.

I heard foot steps approaching, making me jump. I popped up and wiped my face with my shirt.

"Morning, baby."

I kept my head to the floor. "Good morning." I mumbled and fake smiled.

"What's wrong with you?" He came over to me, lifted my chin and looked down at me. "You crying again?"

I shook my head. "Lie again."

"I'm fine, baby."

"This ain't over, you lucky I have to finish cooking breakfast before it burns."

I chuckled and ran up stairs. I threw on some sweatpants and flip flops. "I'll be right back!" I yelled and left the house.

I went to the CVS around the corner and grabbed 2 pregnancy tests. "Please, God. I'm sure you know what you're doing, but just think about this please."

I also picked up some snacks so it wouldn't look too suspicious. "Thank you, come again." The cashier smiled as I walked away.

I put the boxes in my purse and the bag on the seat.

When I got back home, I left the bag of junk on the table and headed for the stairs.

When I saw Jay wasn't in there, I changed my clothes and went straight into the bathroom with the tests.

I followed the directions and waited in the bathroom for the results.

My timer went off and I gasped as I looked at both of the pregnancy sticks.

I heard him knock at the door and I didn't lock it so I knew he was going to come in. I panicked and quickly threw both tests in the cabinet under the sink.

Just like I said, he walked right on in. "Hey, baby." I smiled.

"What you in here doing?"

"Uh... using the bathroom." I said laughing and washing my hands.

"Oh... get out. I gotta take a piss."

"It's a whole other bathroom downstairs." I said rolling my eyes.

"But I like this one." He kissed my cheek and shooed me out of the bathroom. I kept my smile on until the door shut behind me.

"Shit." I just had a bunch of thoughts going through my head and before I knew it tears were running down my face. "Stop, bitch." I said to myself as I wiped my tears.

"Bey, what the fuck?" Jay groaned. "Are you okay?"

Boys pee fast, what the hell? "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Stop fucking saying that shit to me. It's insulting that you think I don't know you better than that. Tell me what's wrong!"

I looked at him and poked my lip out. "And you ain't a damn baby, cut that shit out."

"I'm just scared." I partially lied.

Being a Daddy II. {FIN}Where stories live. Discover now