"hi, I'm Calum. I just moved in across the hall"

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Luke's daughter above/on side!

"You have to pick one or the other, sweet pea," Luke sighed and held up two similar blonde Barbie dolls. Beatrice-Rose, Luke's four year-old daughter, crossed her arms over her chest with a stubborn huff.

"I want both of them, daddy," Beatrice whined and kicked her little legs in the cart.

"And I want a million dollars, Bea," Luke whined back. "But we don't always get what we want, now do we?"

"No," she mumbled and hesitantly grabbed the Barbie out of Luke's left hand.

"I love you, sweet pea," Luke said with a cheesy smile.

For only being twenty years old, Luke was a great father. Don't get me wrong, he's not perfect in any way, shape, or form, but he's trying. He makes mistakes just like every other parent in the world, but under his circumstances, he was great.

Luke was barely 16 when he got his girlfriend-at the time-pregnant. They both made an extremely irrational decision by not using protection, but that was the past and there's nothing that Luke could do now to change it. Luke's stupid mistake led to him having such a beautiful blessing, and he wouldn't change it for the world.

Raising a kid at such a young age, alone, was definitely a struggle for Luke, though. Beatrice's mother, Stella, had died giving birth to their beautiful daughter, which left Luke devastated-to say the least. He hates to admit it now, but Luke didn't even want to keep Beatrice when she was first born because she reminded him of his one and only love. His mother eventually opened his eyes and made him realize that he had to be the one that loves her unconditionally, nobody else.

This is why Luke is constantly reminding and reassuring the four year-old of his love towards her. He didn't want her growing up thinking that nobody cared for her because that was so far from the truth.

"I love you too, dad," Bea replied after Luke gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Let's finish our shopping and then I'll ask uncle Mikey to come over. How's that sound?" Luke asked and threw some random kid game in the cart. They were currently at Toys-R-Us because Luke promised his daughter they would get new toys if she was good at the doctors office. He chuckled when Bea nodded her head vigorously with a smile on her face. God, he adored her smile. It reminded him so much of Stella.

Michael was Luke's only friend throughout all of this. All of his other friends vanished as soon as they heard the sentence 'I'm going to be a dad' because to them, that was uncool. Michael didn't leave, though. He was Luke's shoulder to cry on when he first found out about being a father. He was there when Beatrice was born. He was Luke's support system when Stella died. He was Luke's babysitter whenever he got called into work. There's nothing that boy wasn't there for when it came to Luke and Beatrice. He loves Luke like he's his own brother, and he loves that little girl just as much as Luke.

"Do you think uncle Mikey will play dollies with me?" The blonde girl asks. Luke couldn't help but laugh at the way she talked, considering she pronounced her 'th's' with an f. She was missing both of her front teeth, so there was definitely a lisp going on.

"I'm sure he will, sweet pea."

Bea smiled brightly and patiently waited for her dad to finish shopping.

"You never told me how your visit to Gigi and Papa's went yesterday," Luke said. He loved talking to her. Hearing her voice always calmed him down, and he loved how the light in her eyes only got brighter when she talked about something she loved.

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