Chapter 1

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Roommate Wanted
The apartment is a 2 bedroom, 1 bath balcony apartment. Full working kitchen, dining room. Furniture included.
All utilities included.
Pay bills on time, Don't be an Ass and strictly no drama.

I must have reread the advertisement almost a hundred times looking for the catch. It seemed to good to be true. All though the rent would cost me most of my wages, I could save money from walking instead of bussing it so that would be a bonus.

Finding a decent apartment is harder than I thought it would be. I can't take another night in this motel, it's rundown and needs a serious refurbish but it also cutting into my rent fund for when I do find an apartment. Staying with my brother is out of the option as he lives in a fraternity at his College, although he said he wouldn't mind but I'm pretty sure his brothers would.

Most of the advertisements on Craigslist are just a load of bogus. They're either creepy men with a fetish for roommates or nothing like the pictures they showed. I almost gave my bank details to one when they asked for it. It was the first apartment I looked at and contacted and thought that was how it worked. Apparently not, well not when my brother saw what I was about to do anyway. Plenty of colourful words came from him that day. I never heard from them again after whatever my brother sent them.

At least this advertisement doesn't seem fake.

It doesn't bother me if he is blunt and honest, at least if he is not a backstabbing liar I can put up with everything else.

At least the person who put the advertisement didn't try to hide who he is. Not like other people I know anyway.

I wipe my hand along my cheek, wincing when my fingers catch on the swelling around my eye. The redness had faded from most of my bruises but a tint of purple mixed with green lingered. Whenever I look in a mirror all I can see are the bruises littering my face and body. The cuts and scratches which leaked blood for days. Or the tears that poured down my cheeks. Some days it makes me feel sick when I think of it.

From the picture attached I am astounded from the look of the building. Intricate golden mouldings along the side and lush green grass surrounding it. A large car park to the front and balconies leading up to the sky on either side of the building. Like something out of a magazine. In my mind I can imagine the beautiful dresses on the celebrities that once paraded through its doors.

Subtitle: Roommate
Hi. I'm interested in your ad that you posted on Craig lists for a roommate and was wondering if it is still available. I have the next 2 weeks of work and was wondering if I can see the place? I can pay a deposit if needs be.
Thanks, Rory.
Rereading my email back I'm frightened to death to send it. I'm not sure what else to put because I've never done this before but I guess going for honesty is my best option. Without thinking I press send before I can stop my self.

Pushing my self up from the dingy bed I lay my laptop down before walking over to the full length mirror to the side. My bare feet make little noise on the grungy grey carpet, other than the occasional creek when I step over a dirty stain. Standing directly in front of the mirror I stare at my self.
The one thing I liked most about my self But now I cannot stand to see. My hair. It was once my salvation. My light in the dark. The one thing I liked about my self, confidence was never my thing and hiding behind a curtain of long hair was easier. But now the greasy blonde strands make me ill. Pushing my hair over my shoulder I am greeted by a sight none should ever see. . 3 broken ribs. A busted lip, bruised and swollen eye and cuts along my cheek and neck bone.

The purple bags under my eyes constantly remind me of my night terrors. Every so often they would come in full force. So powerful that I cannot breath and I feel like my only option is to swallow a pile of pills and never wake up. But my parents didn't raise a coward. They would want me to stand tall and fight my demons head on and that is what I plan to do. My court date is set, and I'm going to be the one who watches the bastard get sent down for life. No other child will suffer like I did.

A beeping from my laptop brings me out of my reverie and I move as fast as my ribs will allow me too to get to it. The little letter icon flashes at the top of my screen and I brace my self.

Forwarded email
Subtitle: Roommate
Hi there, yeah I'm still looking for a roommate if your interested. I'm free all day today if you want to see the place today?

I reply back as fast as I can that yes I am still interested and that I want to see the place. We arrange a time for in just over 1 hour and I can't help the little squeal that escapes me. With so many push backs lately it feels good to have one thing to look forward too. Grabbing my trainers and slipping them on I then grab a jacket before stashing my laptop and taking all my necessities with me. With just over an hour till meeting I want to be as early a possible and I know the bus would take at least 30 minutes to get me there. Relying on public transport is a hassle but not having a drivers licence makes it needed.

Standing at the bus stop just down the road I hold my ribs in one hand and tap my foot impatiently on the ground. Clutching my personal items I hold them to my chest like a shield from the stares. I've had people staring at me since I got all my bruises a couple of weeks ago. The other people at the bus stop try to discreetly look but when we catch each other's eyes I feel like I'm under a microscope. The pity I see in their reflection chills me. I don't want anybody's pity, I just want to get on with my life and forget about a past that I wouldn't wish on an enemy.

Almost forty minutes pass and I start to breath heavily. I have half an hour till I'm suppose to meet Xavier at his apartment.
Another ten minutes pass and I feel the panic beginning to build in my gut. The tears I've kept at bay slide down my cheeks and I struggle to catch them before someone sees.
After five more minutes a bus finally pulls up and the large group of customers at the bus stop all board with complaints. I stay at the back not wanting to be the first on.

Glancing at my watch I am reminded of how late I am. 25 minutes to be precise when the buss pulls to stop down the road near the apartment complex.

Stepping of the bus I watch it pull away leaving a cloud of dust in its wake.

I watch the building with trepidation. It's large imposing structure cuts through the blue sky with precision. I walk up to the building and see the glass door is already open to walk inside. I know it's customary to ring up but I'm already late and hoping the apartment is still available. Passing the car park I take note of the trucks and the cars all parked. 4 of the same make but in different colours line one side.

The colours of the cars stick in my head as I make it up the stairs to the second floor. Red. Blue. White. Black. Holding my rib tightly I try to breath through the slight sting. My trainers squeak on the dark hardwood floor as I make my way and stand opposite apartment 14. The blue door beckons me to knock.

Here goes.

Knock. Knock. Knock

I bite my lip after a couple of seconds when there isn't a peep from outside. I've lost my chance. The apartment will go to someone who makes it on time. Not me. The tears fall hazardous down my cheeks as I attempt to wipe them.

The door opens suddenly and I step back out of instinct. The man in front of me must be the largest man I have ever seen. Without a shirt on I can see all the sordid muscles lining his chest. Not an ounce of fat he must have. And stands well over my five foot three. He is also unbelievably gorgeous.

"Listen your fucking late. And my brother is busy. Your gonna have to...." the man turns to look at me. His face slackens as he takes notice of my busies and tears. "What the fuck?" He whispers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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