Chapter 3

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As Kai was trailing off into his own world, he saw a giant wave coming towards her. Thinking nothing of it, he then saw Rubylyn start to lose her balance. Time was starting to move slower, as he saw her tilting over. The wave was too strong. He ran off through the crowded beach and dove into the water. She had a wipeout. As he swum, the wave pushed him under the water, and he couldn't rise to the surface until the wave passed by no matter how hard he pushed. When he finally surfaced and caught his breath, he tried calling her name, but there was no response. He reached the board, and she was lying down limp on it. He checked for her pulse, and luckily she was still breathing. She sure is lucky that she didn't fall off her board, he though. She must've hit her head as she fell leaving her unconscious. He tried to get onto the board without knocking her off, and laid her against his chest as he paddled them back to shore.

Rubylyn awoke to the sun in her eyes. She had no memory of the current event.

"Are you alright?" a male asked her. She turned her head to the side, and made contact with Kai.

"What am I doing here?" she asked aware that she was lying down on her surfboard in the sand.

"A strong wave came by as you were surfing, and you fell and hit your head. You're lucky you landed on your board. It made it easier to get to you."

He saved me, she thought. "Thank you so much," she said at a loss of words. What do you say to someone that saved your life, yet you hardly know them?

"It's no problem. Hey, why don't I take you home. Doesn't seem safe for you to be driving with your head hurt."

"Sure, I need to get to work soon. Don't want to be late," she explained.

"Yeah come on. Let me just tell my friend real quick," he said as he ran off. Rubylyn trailed behind a bit farther wanting to give them some space. She walked to the direction of her car and took off her wetsuit leaving it in the back with her surfboard. Underneath she only had a t-shirt and shorts on. Thank goodness she didn't wear her pj's underneath like she would've. Kai showed up and stepped into the drivers side. The ride was eerily quiet but it wasn't an awkward quiet. She pointed out the directions to get her back to her place, and once they reached her destination, she thanked him once again before he left walking back to the beach. At least it wasn't too far down. Only a few minutes. She watched as he turned down the street, and he sent her one last wave.

Rubylyn was now back at home feeling weary. She was definitely grateful for Kai being there. What would have happened if he wasn't there to save her? Shaking all the worried thoughts from her head, she looked at the clock and noticed that she had an hour until her shift so she darted up the stairs on her way to shower and dry her hair. She towel dried her hair but she wouldn't have enough time to blow dry it. She quickly got dressed and left the door, deciding to walk to work.

I wonder if Kai would be there today, she thought. Was she getting too ahead of herself? They've only talked at the café once, and today when he saved her. I at least owe him something, but what, she whispered to herself.

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