Ch. 15

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Conor's POV

I was just playing on the playground, having fun with my best friends, we were all just in the jungle gym, shouting and just having a lot off fun, it was nice to forget what was going on inside my head, my daddy has been sad and my dad has been a bit tense, I think there is something going on, I hope everything is alright, they have not said anything, but I heard daddy shout at dad yesterday, he never does that. 

"are you Conor Lewis - Minter?" a strange guy asks me

"yes" I tell him

"your daddy sent me"

"what is my daddy's name?" I ask, my dad's had told me to ask what his name was if someone that I did not know would try to pick me up

"Simon Minter"

"no that is my dad, what is my daddy's name?" I ask again, not letting go off the jungle gym

"Harry Lewis" he tells me and I climb down, if he does know my dad's then he cant be dangerous, and besides he does not look dangerous. he looks quite friendly

"who are you?"

"my name is George Dixen"

"and how do you know my dad's?" I ask

"me and your dad Simon used to work together, I owe him a favor and that is why I'm here, he asked me to pick you up and if I could babysit you for a couple off days, like you have probably noticed your daddy has been quite upset and your dad is going to take his mind off it" he tells me, and I just nod, my dad has been sad and tense so I don't question him. 

"I will go and grab my stuff then and say bye to the teachers" I say as I smile

"I've already spoken to the teachers and gotten your stuff, don't worry about them, let's just go and get some ice-cream, would you like Chocolate or strawberry?" he asks me as he smiles and I just smile back, I would love some Ice-cream right now, this guy is very fun, he is making me laugh and we are just driving around and then we stop and get ice-cream like he promised me. 

"would you like to go to my house now?" he asks me and I just nod

"do you have Netflix?" I ask

"of course I do, you can pick what you like when you get there, sound good" he tells me and as we are driving back to his house I fall sleep. I'm a bit tired after the school day. I wake up at a strange house, I have a bowl full off snacks in front off me and I get to pick a movie to watch. 

"Conor say hi to my roommate's Theon and John" George tells me

"HI"I say as I'm browsing through the movie section. I end up going with the secret life of pets, I like that film a lot. 

When I'm done with my movie me and George are just playing cards when Theon comes into the room on the phone and tells me to say goodnight to daddy, I wish I had gotten to talk to him a bit longer than just one sentence, but I guess he is a bit busy. 

Conor Lewis-Minter (Minishaw)Where stories live. Discover now