Ch. 21

304 11 3

Simon's POV

We both look at the phone at the same time, then we look back to each other, and then back to the phone again, I guess Harry is not going to answer, I should answer, it's me that they want to talk to, it's me that they are trying to get to. I just stare at the phone in shock

"are you going to get that?" Harry snaps at me and I snap out off my thoughts and walk over to the phone and pick it up

"Hello?" I ask with a hesitation in my voice 

"well, well, well, if it's not Simon Minter"


"you remember me? good"

"yeah, we worked together for 4 years, you threatened to kill me, I recognize your voice" I tell him and I can feel the tension coming at me from all directions, Harry is staring at me and I can't read the look on his face 

"Good, then you know what I'm capable off right?" he tells me again and that tone off voice sends shivers down my spine, I can feel myself getting goose bumps all over my arms. 

"just let me have my son back, I went to the police, I told them that I had lied, I spent the night in jail"

"well mate, I spent 5 years in jail, I don't think we are quite equal yet"

"Just let me talk to my son" I tell him

"out off the question"

"why not, how can I be sure that he is still alive?" I ask, but those words send Harry down to the floor and I have to resist the urge to go over to him and hug him close, I'm still mad at him, but I can feel his heartbreak and to be honest, it's braking my heart to see him that way. 

"If you say anything, you will regret it" Theon tells me and hen I can hear Conor's laugh in the background, he is laughing, what is happening over there, I feel a sense off relieve as I know he is happy, they are nor hurting him, that is always a good thing, and now I know he is alive. I run to Harry and press the phone against his ear so he can hear to, but I tell him with my fingers that he needs to keep quiet, but he just brakes down and starts sobbing. 

"I told you not to say anything" Theon yells at me 

"I'm sorry, we just need him back, I've done everything that you asked off me, and now I need him here with me" I tell him

"No" Theon tells me and then he hangs up the phone, Harry is struggling to breath he is crying so hard and he is hungover so that can't be helping, I just go over to him and hug him tight. But he stands up and pushes me away. I just look at him shocked. 

"DON'T" Harry screams at me



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