My blood dries as quick as my tears

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They say once a girls heart is broken it cant be undone. That the person who broke it is the only one who posesses the strength, love and passion to fix it.

Losing love is like falling down, in the end your left hurt, scarred and with the memory of it forever.

'Dry your eyes girl,' you said, 'I know you want to make me see how much the pain hurts but you've got to walk away. It's over.'

You broke my heart into like pieces of a broken mirror, the same mirror that lied to me and told me I was good enough for you, the same mirror that hides more than it shows.

That pain in the pit of my stomach when people talk about you, oblivious to what I am feeling. Anger, Loss, Love, Hate.

Should've known you'd bring me heartache, for I am not the first to experience your 'undying' spurious love and want for love.

Why must you feed off our hearts like we are worthless beings that are there for your entertainment? Our hearts, our blood and tears, they are not there to help you feel better with yourself. We cannot be pushed aside or ignored.

Love us like we love you, our feel no love at all. Give your hearts as we give you ours, or feel the pain of not being incomplete for all of eternity.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2012 ⏰

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