Bad news

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Ok so this is my first time writhing a story so bare with me on this. And also the picture above is what Ashley looks like.

  "I'm done, my life is over good by world."I cried in the back of the cab. Look at the front of cab, I can tell the old guy driving thus thing is not to fond with me considering I did just screamed away what was left of his hearing in his ears. He must be praying hard for me to get out of the car, lucky for him, we reached our desnstion. Once i paid the guy boy did he take off. I wish he took me with him. Letting out a sigh, I look at the huge buliding standing in front of me. Reading the sign, I'm standing outside of the 'Lady Enchanted Academy for girls'. I can just feel my life going down the drain. I mean don't get me wrong the place is beautiful, it looks like some mansion where wealthy rich people would live or fit for royalty I mean it is in England and a girls school but that's not the problem. It's that I'm here and not back in California with my friends and family enjoying my life, which is now ruined from being here. So your probably wondering why I'm here, it's be better if I start from 2 weeks ago before summer vacation ended and my life actually made sense.
  2 weeks ago....
  My name is Ashley Faith Thompson. I'm am currently enjoying my summer vacation by spending time in my room drawing in my sketch. Of course I have friends to hang out with, it's not like a nerd that has no friends but I'm not popular either. I'm not a big fan of attention so I prefer to have a low profile if you know what I mean. I plan to keep it that way when I start High school after summer break. Plus my two best friend Dustin and Emily are on vacation with there family, they won't be back till next week so I'm on my own for now.
  "Ashley, can you come down here sweetie ,we need to talk to you." That's my mom, she work as a secretary at a well known company. She's in here thirties so she's not that old. Then there's my dad, he's a lawyer he's also in his thirties so him in mom aren't far apart. They usually aren't home much because they travel due to work, so I'm usually at home with our maid. Oh did I forget to mention that my faimly is loaded. I don't really like to go around telling people how much money I have because either don't want to seem like a spoiled rich kids or bragging about things like that. My family doesn't choose to live in a mansion because one, it's way to being and two, sense my parents are rarely home there's no point in living in a big house. So I'm fine with my living style. Anyways, sense my mom and dad are home it seems to have been something important that they have to tell me. I walked down stairs into the living room where I see my parents sitting. I make my way over to the chair sitting across form them.
  "Hey mom and dad what is it?"I asked them as u sit down. They looked to each other as if they didn't know who wanted to talk first, whatever it is that their going to tell me it is going to be really important.
  "Ashley," my dad is the one to speak up," we have some good news and some bad news." Well there we go the old 'good news and bad news'.
  "What's the good news?" For some reason I usually like to hear the good news before the bad new, don't really know why it's just a preference.
  "Well," my mom spoke up, "today when I was at work there was these people that came to the office with a idea to build more stories that our company owns around they world so they want us to travel diffrent places to see where we can build them and other things."
  "That's sounds amazing, dads going with you right?" My parents always travel places so I'm used to them gone. Whenever my mom travels my dad goes with her. Then whenever my dad travels my mom goes with him. It's been a normal routine sense for ever. So I don't know why they took the time to tell me this time.
  "Yes of course he is but," but, why was there a but? "this time the trip will take about a year to complete it."
  "Wait what?!" Did she just say a year? A WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR. How are they going to leave me alone that long, I mean of course I have the maid, but a year."Is that what the bad news is?" I can see how they looked at each other that, that was not they bad news. There was more.
  "Actually sweetie that's not the bad news," I knew it." the bad news is that sense we won't be around for a while we're putting you in a all girls academy." Is that all the bad news was? It not that bad even though I have to be around girls and wear a uniform, I can still meet my friends.
My dad have seen how I looked because decided to add on to what mom said,"There's more to it, the school is in england." What?! Am I hearing things because I think my dad just said the school was in England. But judging by the apologetic look there both giving me, their dead serious.
  "Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight," I say as I stand up and front of my parents."Not only are ya'll going to be gone for a year, then I have to go to a school full of girls and wear a uniform, but the school is in England!!" How am I gonna to survive in england? I don't even speak english! Did I just say that, scratch what I just said I'm not thinking straight.
  "Sweetie, it not gonna be that bad you can learn many things over there you might even love it there." My mom tried to make the situation better but it's not working."How can I just move to England like that? What about my friends!" I lived here my whole life how can I just leave and go to England.
  "You can always talk to your friends on your phone, we just bought you the iPhone 6 you can always FaceTime them if u want." That is trying but I still don't want to leave. I was about to protest buy it can see they want change their minds. It's gonna be a long year.
  "So, when do I have to leave?" I asked trying to process everything. I can see as they put a smile on their face that their glad I'm trying to accepted the situation. "After summer break ends." My dad said. Well I have to make these last two weeks worth while. Summer vacation please take your time.

So this is my first story please give me feedback back.

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