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Sofia's poV:

(G gray S Sofia)

S: sorry about earlier
G: it's ok, I should have understood that you don't love me the way I do:(
S: listen, I'm so so sorry but I have feelings for someone else.
G: really? Who?
S: Justin, I really love him actually...
G:oh... I gtg bye
S: bye?

Graysons poV:

When she said she loved Justin it broke my heart... Guess who's taking a trip to Justin's house?

Sofia's poV:

"Bye?" I ended the conversation saying confused.

It really broke my heart on how much be shows that he cares and how much he loves me...

But I don't love him like that, I love him as my best friend.

Grayson poV:

I got up off the couch and quickly put on my jacket.

I grabbed my keys and ran into my car.

I drove to kayla and Justin house and kayla opened the door.

"Grayson!!!" She opened the door excitedly.

"Hi, can I talk to Justin" I asked looking around.

"Um, yea sure" she said opening the door

I slowly walked in and kayla called or Justin.

"JUSTIN YOU RAT!!! COME DOWN HERE" kayla yelled plopping on the couch

"What?" He asked running down the stairs.

"Grayson wants to talk to you" she so as changing the channel.

"Um can we talk in your room?" I asked him nervously.

"Yea sure dude" Justin said running up the stairs.

I followed him up to his room.

"Yea what's up dude?" Justin asked...


Eh I hope you liked... PEACE✌🏼️sorry for typos

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