Chapter 15

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Sam's POV

I had just called Amber about Mel. Apparently she thought I was cheating on her with Jane. Most importantly she was gonna starve herself to try and get back at me. I had to do something. I couldn't let her go on with this. I sent Mel text after text trying to explain. She probably blocked my number.

After what I'm sure was at least a hundred texts. I got an idea. I dialed *67 before her number and called. "Hello," she answered. "Give me 2 minutes, please. You don't understand!" I pleaded.

Then the line went dead. It was getting late, but it's not like I was missing out on any sleep trying to text her. I couldn't sleep knowing what she was doing to herself.

I got another idea. I hopped on YouTube and learned all the words to Don't Let Me Be Lonely by The Band Perry. I remembered when she said country was her guilty pleasure so I knew she would know the song. I downloaded the karaoke version and skated to her house.

Once I was at her house I found some pebbles and threw them at her window. I hit play and began singing, still throwing pebbles. Finally she opened the window. I belted out the song lyrics and at the end I asked her to come outside.

She came outside in her robe with her arms crossed and chin up refusing to look at me. "I wasn't cheating with Jane! I promise," I started crying. "Then what were you doing?" she whisper yelled. "She was helping me pick out your one month anniversary present," I explained. "And why should I believe you?" she replied not believing me wholeheartedly. "Because I love you and I memorized that song for you five minutes ago, and what else have I done to make you think that I would cheat?" I sighed trying to come up with reasons, "Even if you don't take me back, don't starve yourself. I don't want you to hurt yourself. I love you too much."

"I thought you liked Jane better than me because she was thin," she whispered. "No, I love you for you and I never stopped," I pleaded. "I'm so sorry!" she ran down the steps and into my arms, "I overreacted. I should have trusted you. It's just, this is my first relationship so I'm new at this stuff," she cried into my shoulder. "It's okay, babe," I soothed, rubbing her back. "So are we a thing again?" I asked, while crossing my fingers. "Of course!" she said kissing my cheek.

When she pulled back to look at me I pulled her back in and gave her a kiss. It was sweet and simple, but it meant so much. She kissed back and I pulled her into another hug. "I don't want to lose you again. I couldn't sleep knowing you were no longer mine," I sighed. "I will always be yours," she said grabbing my hand, "Let's get some hot coco and watch a movie."

I followed her inside and and got the mugs down white she grabbed the coco packets. When they were done we sat down and watched The Titanic. She sat next to me with her head on my shoulder. I had one arm around her stroking her, and with my other hand I held hers drawing circles in her palm with my thumb. I liked it like this.

"I wouldn't have let go if it was you and me out there," she whispered in my ear. I turned my head to face her and kissed her nose. She was too perfect. I was lucky to have a girl like her.

Mel's POV

I leaned in and whispered into Sam's ear, "I wouldn't have let go if it was you and me out there." He turned to face me and kissed me on the nose. I like it when he did that. I liked the little forehead, nose, and cheek kisses. They were cute and full of meaning. I mean I enjoyed kissing Sam's lips too, but it made me melt a little inside each time he'd give me a peck on the nose. Kissing could get too heated for my liking some times, but not these. These just made me feel all warm and fuzzy and protected. Like I was a delicate princess as cheesy as it sounds.

Sam's POV

When the movie had finished I noticed that Melanie had fallen asleep. I needed to be at home since there was school tomorrow, so I carried her up to her room and put her in bed. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead.

I stared at her peacefully sleeping for a moment. I wish I knew what she was dreaming about. I hoped I was in her dreams as much as she was in mine. "Sleep tight," I whispered as I quietly left her room. I tiptoed outside and drove back home.

Mel's Dream

Sam and I were sitting at the beach having a picnic. "Hey, let's go climb around on the rocks," Sam suggested. I followed him as he lead me to the rocks. We kept climbing until we reached more sand. It was like a secret beach. We sat down in the sand together and watched the tide roll in.

"Sam," I started. "Hmm?" he acknowledged. "Do you want to have kids someday?" I finished. "Of course. Why?" he asked. "Just curious," I sighed. "Do you?" he continued the conversation.

"Yeah... I've always wanted one of each. I want a little boy for my husband to spend time with and a little sister for him to watch out for," I smiled. "I'd never really thought much about having a daughter," he admitted, "I don't think I could play the intimidating dad role too well." We both laughed. "I think you could," I said nuzzling my head into his chest as the breeze started.

Sam grabbed me and moved me so that I was sitting between his legs and he put his arms around me with his head on my shoulder. "Well, if you want a daughter I'll learn to be intimidating," he smiled into my neck giving me butterfly kisses* on my jaw. I smiled getting goose bumps and leaned back into him.

This was perfect. I had the most perfect boyfriend. I could just picture us growing old together. That's what I decided I wanted in that moment.


* incase you weren't sure butterfly kisses are when you flutter your eyelashes up against someone :)

*** Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed :) I'm going back to school tomorrow so I might only be able to update once a week. :O I know, I'm sorry. I could update more I'm just not gonna put more on my plate than I can handle at first. So count on one update a week on Tuesdays and any other updates are bonuses :D Don't forget to vote and comment <3

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