Chapter 7: Green Plant

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    Captain Falcon joined Ace and Princia Ramode on their trip to Green Plant. Green Plant was a part of Death Wind. They were on the same planet. It was a forest with cloudy skies. Lily Flyer and John Tanaka tagged along too. Both of them joined for the same reason, to make sure something doesn't happen behind their backs. Since Jody was racing on Green Plant too, Tanaka was of course on his edge. "Okay!" Ace said clapping his hands together. "I was thinking we'd do a three lap race around the course to test the Spark Moon." "That's an excellent idea Ace!" Princia twirled around excitedly. Lily Flyer rolled her eyes, meanwhile, John Tanaka was having a similar problem. He was glaring at the sight of Captain Falcon and Jody Summer, who were holding hands and facing each other. Before either one of them could say anything to each other, they got interrupted. "Okay, Okay!" John Tanaka hollered at them and pushed them away from each other. "We have a practice race to do!" "Um, right!" Jody said snapping out of her trance. "Let's race."

   The six pilots got in their machines. Captain Falcon intended to test the Blue Falcon's power against the Spark Moon. He figured if Ace tried to make the machine similar to the Blue Falcon, it should be proved. Lily Flyer intended to beat Princia, while Tanaka was intent on taking out Falcon. "Alright," Jody said. "On my mark, Three...Two...One...GO!" The machines cruised away from the starting line. This wasn't an official F-ZERO race, so the pilots already had boost equipped. The Spark Moon took the lead with the Bunny Flash on its tail. The Wonder Wasp also was trying to past the Blue Falcon, but Captain Falcon kept blocking him out. Ace and Jody took up the rear, wondering what the heck was happening. They thought they'd wait a bit to pass, since the fights looked like they would get dirty. Princia was working to control her machine, it had the same stats as the Blue Falcon, but in fact was nothing like it at all. It slid and swerved much more than Falcon's machine.

    Jody Summer decided to come up first, the White Cat boosted and make impact with the Wonder Wasp. "HEY!" John Tanaka shouted. Captain Falcon took this to his advantage and spun at Tanaka. The impact sent the Wonder Wasp spinning backward, with Tanaka screaming his head off. Ace Winters was currently about to have his hand full, he had to stop Lily from wrecking Princia! Lily, at the moment, had boosted next to the Spark Moon. She locked her eyes on the Banana colored machine, then turned for a side-attack. Before the two machines made impact though, the Green Amazone managed to snake between the two. The side-attack from the Bunny Flash hit Ace's machine, not Princias. The Green Amazone skidded to the back. "OH NO!" Lily said immediately realizing what she had done. The other pilots had noticed the incident too, and they wasted no time in slamming on their brakes and turning around. Princia Ramode got there first, and she managed to pop off the cockpit to Ace's machine. There she found Ace Winters, looking dizzy.

    "Are you alright kid?" Captain Falcon asked. "Say something!" Jody pleaded. Ace managed to make his head stop spinning and look straight at the four worried faces. "We're ready!" He exclaimed. Princia began to laugh and Jody Summer smiled. Captain Falcon shook his head trying to laugh too.

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