Chapter 2: Ace's Reward

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        John Tanaka and Jody Summer applauded when the three arrived back at HQ. They had accomplished their mission. "Bravo! Bravo!" John Tanaka exclaimed. "Spectacular," Jody spoke. "All three of you did well. Captain Falcon, I assume you want to get paid." "Of course," Captain Falcon replied. "Follow me," Jody motioned for Falcon to follow her. When the two left the room, Tanaka turned his attention to the rookies. "I'm so impressed with you two!" He said. "I mean, just two months ago Ace had beaten Michael Chain in the Joker Cup. Now you two are heroes." "Lily always had it in her," Ace shrugged. "You didn't do too badly yourself," Lily smiled. They gave each other a high-five. Captain Falcon and Jody Summer returned into the room. Falcon had a check in his hand, it was no doubt his money. They were locked in an inaudible conversation. Then Jody laughed and gave Captain Falcon a big hug. Captain Falcon then saluted the rookies and left the headquarters. "Alright!" Jody clapped her hands together. "Well done Ace and Lily. Lily I will let the Galactic Space Forces know of your mission report. However, Ace you did well. I want to reward you again."

     "Again?" Ace said surprised. "How?" "Tell me what you want to be trained in," Jody explained. "And I'll see to it." This was a great opportunity. No one had received this opportunity and he wasn't going to ruin it. Ace thought long and hard. "You know," he started. "Ever since my first race at Silence II I always wanted to make machines. I repaired the Green Amazone from time to time, but I never went to College for engineering." "Of Course!" Tanaka spoke up. "I can teach you everything I know, after all, I've built the greatest machine known to man!" "Yeah and it looks like Skis," Lily remarked. Everyone in the room laughed, except for John Tanaka of course. Even his robot, the J-Love 1 was making noise. "I understand what you're saying," Jody said. "I'll run it by the Captain tomorrow. Take tomorrow off, both of you." "Can I get a day off?" Tanaka asked Jody. "No I need you to sign for some parts," Jody said. John Tanaka pouted. "Now all of you get a good night's sleep."

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