Ch 3: Up to Speed

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I rolled over in my bed with a groan as my phone went off again. That annoying trilling sound it made when I got a message filled the air. Still half asleep i reached across to my night stand and fumbled around until i found it. Nearly knocking everything off the stand in the process, including the glass of water I kept there.

I pressed the home button an instantly regretted it, the brightness was on the lowest setting possible and still managed to feel that light of a thousands suns all scorching my eyes at once. The fact that i didn't have my glasses on didn't help either.

I had one message from Marcus asking to meet up and 17 from Wrench. It was the same thing just spammed over and over again. I opened the first one, which was just a line of 1's and 0's but put through the DedSec key code became a street address.

With a sigh, I got up and pulled on clean clothes. My usual black skinny jeans and a band tee with my leather jacket over top. I grabbed something quick to eat while i watched the morning news, ignoring the spam of messages i got from Wrench while i did. I quickly lacedup my boots before grabbing my keys off the counter and heading downstairs to hop on my motor bike.

A half hour later, i pulled up outside the garage the address led me too. As soon as I parked the metal door began to raise.

"Hey, Kit!" Wrench waved frantically as I cut off my engine.

"Where's Marcus?" I asked following him inside, the garage door shutting behind us.

"He had to grab some Key Data for us." he sat down backwards on a metal folding chair looking at me expectantly.

"And you woke me up to tell me this?" I yawned, hopping up on the table opposite him.

"Of course, you wouldn't hear me if I'd told you while you were asleep. Duh." He said getting back up. "I needed help with the car."

"And you choose me? Why not Sitara or Josh?"

"Sitara's off getting more spray paint and Josh....I have no idea what Josh is doing and I don't really want to know either." He stated pulling a few tools out of a drawer then heading over to the car. "Besides, i thought to myself, who could I annoy? And you popped into my head first."

"Well your out of luck, I don't know anything about cars." I hummed swinging my legs back and forth from my perch on the counter.

"It's not that hard, I'll show you." He said dropping to the ground.

I rolled my eyes but followed anyways huffing as I dropped onto my hands and knees to look under the car with him "What's wrong with it anyway, I thought it was driving smoothly the other night."

"It was, but for what we are going to do with it-" I watched as he pulled off a section metal to reveal a panel of wires ."Were going to need a little more power."

"So where essentially installing a speed boost?" I asked him quizzically.

"Correct. Now I need a stripper and a ratchet."

"Excuse me?"

"I need you to go get me one of each ." He stated pulling out various wires. "From the tool box." He clarified when I sat there is silence for a moment staring at him with the biggest wtf looking face.

"One, I'm not your bar wench, I'm not just gonna go get things for you unless you ask nicely." I snapped.

"Could you go get me a ratchet and a stripper?" He asked.

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