Ch 2: DedSec

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I can't remember if I passed out from exhaustion or someone knocked me out. Either way I felt a migraine coming on. I rolled over and with a gasp landed onto a cold concrete floor. I groaned flipping onto my back and blinking up at the ceiling that was blurry.

"You okay there? I mean I know that couch isn't the most comfortable but it's definitely better than the floor."

"Where are my glasses?" I asked my voice slightly hoarse from sleep.


As I slid them on the woman above of me came into a much clearer view. The green eye shadow was a little bold but it matched well with the purple in her hair.

"Sitara." She greeted offering me a hand up which I gladly took.

"Kitten, but most people just call me Kit."

"Kit." She chuckled. "I like it."

"She's awake. That's good." I turned towards the direction of the voice. "I charged your phone for you."

"Thanks." I murmured taking it from his outstretched hand.

"Kit, this is Josh." Sitara introduced. "You might know him as Hawt Sauce."

"Oh yeah, you did the Frat House Hack." I laughed. "I got to say that took some real skill, and they so had it coming. I mean the definition of script kiddies, am I right?"

"Thanks." He said giving a small goofy grin before abruptly turning and walking away. I blinked in surprise looking back at Sitara worried I said something wrong.

"Did I-"

"No, he does that sometimes." Sitara chuckled, then nodded her head in the direction of the stairs.

"Aye, sleeping beauty finally woke up."

"Kit this is dork is Marcus and that sly devil is Horatio." Sitara said.

"Who you calling a dork, I brought coffee." Marcus laughed. "Didn't know how you liked your's Kit so I just got you the basics, a shot of sugar and cream."

"Just how I like it, actually." I smiled taking the cup from him, taking a sip to test the flavor. "Delicious."

"Did you get my raspberry cream filled donut with sprinkles on top?" An annoyingly familiar voice asked.

"You've unfortunately already met Wrench." Sitara sighed.

"Yeah how could I forget you texted me 'reminders' like seven times on my way there alone." Marcus said rolling his eyes. He handed Sitara her coffee and threw out the carton that had been holding them. Then sat the white box presumably filled with donuts down on the counter.

"Ooo you got donuts." Josh said reappearing.

"Let Kit have first pick, she's our guest." Marcus said opening the box. "What will it be then Kit." I glanced over the selection before picking a maple glaze twist donut. "Good choice, maple glaze, I can respect that."

"Has anyone asked her yet?" Horatio asked and Sitara shook her head.

"Asked me what?" I held my hand up to block my mouth that was currently full of maple glaze. I took a sip of the coffee to wash it down.

"We are all pretty impressed with that stunt you pulled last night breaking into Blume. And you are obviously a very talent hacker..." Horatio started.

"What he's trying to say is we want you to join DedSec." Sitara finished for him.

My eyes widened and I coughed choking on my coffee. These guys are the local DedSec. I mean I should have guessed this place is plastered with their logos and I mean Sitara is literally wearing a shirt with DedSec written across it.

"Are the donuts a bribe?" I joked.

"Maybe." Wrench replied holding the box out for me to take another. "Kind of depends, is it working?"

"Definitely." I laughed taking another, this time a Boston cream. "I'm in."

"Whoooo." Wrench cheered pumping his fist in the air. "I mean, what's not to like, you get to work with me." The symbols on his mask became the equivalent of a winky face and I found myself rolling my eyes.

"That alone might be enough to scare her off." Horatio laughed.

"Hey!" Wrench cried in fake offense.

"As much as I'd love to hang, I need to run home." I said. "Shower and change into some clean clothes."

"Totally get it, ill show you the way out." Marcus offered. "By the way, the code's 4726." He led me up the stairs and outside to the street. "Oh and I don't know if Josh told you but he downloaded a few apps for you."

"Thanks." I murmured unlocking my phone to check it out. I opened up the first one which just seemed to be a research type app and the other was more of a tracker for missions.

"Do you know how to get home from here?" He asked.

"Umm...yeah." I said backing up and holding the Nudle Maps app up towards him.

"Alright." He chuckled holding hands up in surrender.

"The wonders of technology." I did a little bow before turning and heading down the street.


An hour later I sat inside my newly rented apartment, hair still dripping from my shower. I had my laptop opened up in front of me and was just scrolling threw my emails. Nothing really worth while, mainly just junk.

I was about to shut my computer off when a text box appeared in the top right corner.

Fence: you never messaged back after your little escapade last night

Fence: you are already worrying me kid

Kit: I'm fine, I ran into complications but I made some new friends

Fence: yeah, who would that be

Kit: DedSec

Fence:...I know you really want to take down Blume, Kit, but they're dangerous. In more ways then one

Kit: what do you mean?

Fence: let's just say, they have quite a few enemies

Kit: do you enjoy being vague

Fence: their biggest rival, Prime_Eight, they are not something you can just over look, Kalla. the Fixers back home barely compare in cruelty when it comes to it

Fence: i mean they have sold code and information to terrorist and neo-nazis

Kit: i can take care of myself, Uncle Nelson

Fence: if your father knew I was helping you...

Kit: he won't, thank you though

Fence: let me know if there is anything you need, or someone needs to disappear permanently

I closed out the chat box and powered down my laptop. I pulled on clean clothes just as my phone buzzed. A small red number one was in the corner of the new app that Josh had downloaded. I opened it and smiled. It looks like we are going after Blume starting, now.

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