Chapter 1: Introduction

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Shout out to: RoxzrenLukas for the title of this book. I really liked it so thanks!

Before we start: Do you want Percy to be the reincarnation of Henrik Mikaelson or no? Honestly I'm winging this story.

Beating. That was all I really heard. That and the leaves crunching underneath my feet. My breath mixing in with the cool air of the September night.

My breathing coming out in harsh gasps as my chest burned from how much running my body was unaccustomed to.

I stumbled through the Mystic Falls forest. Heavy footsteps behind me, the full moon shining above us.

There was a howl in the distant but I didn't pay any attention to it, I felt a branch brush against my face as I ran toward a light I had just seen.

My running was starting to become unstable, I felt like my legs would buckle under me at any moment.

Just as I broke through the clearing where the light was, my knees buckled. I froze in fright on the ground I was now on as bows and arrows were drawn in my face.

I couldn't speak, my heart felt like it would beat right out of my throat. I was about to stumble through a sentence when the heavy footsteps behind me started to get closer.

Instantly more terrified of the person behind me I scrambled behind the confused girls who all seemed to be older than me and radiate power.

One of them with tiara and an angry face was about the speak before the bushes were pushed apart and the monster that terrorized me emerged.

"Boy!" What could only be said as a whale of a man shouted making me flinch and duck behind one of the girls who radiated more power than any of the other girls.

"Who art thee?" The tiara girl asked glaring at the man that I refuse to acknowledge as my stepfather.

The stupid man stared at the girl, his pea-sized brain trying to work out what she said in what I think is considered Old English.

"Who dares trespass." The girl who I was ducked behind asked getting fed up with the small working on my monster Gabe.

Gabe narrowed his eyes in anger," Step aside girl and let me get my stepson." Gabe growled and made the girl in front of me narrow her eyes in her own anger.

I flinched as Gabe's angry eyes pierced mine. But I knew that if I didn't go with him then the girls here will end up like mom.

Thinking about my mom made my eyes tear up and I already knew I couldn't let that happen to the girls, no matter how many bow and arrows they have.

Gabe was a monster who could harm anyone if they make him mad enough. I whimpered but stepped out of the girls shadow.

I tucked my lip inward and felt the small splint there start to bleed again as I bit my lip to repress the fear that I felt as I stepped forward toward Gabe.

Only I didn't go far because the girl who I ducked behind laid her arm on my shoulder.

"Now wait for a second child." She said softly and when I looked into her silver eyes I was reminded of my kind, amazing mom and couldn't help but relax.

"Whatever happened to your lip child." She asked softly but I ducked my head, breaking eye contact. I wasn't suppose to say.

Never say of the beatings Gabe gave me. Never let anyone know of what happens behind closed doors, not even my mother.

I stared at my feet before a whimper escaped my mouth as my arm was suddenly tugged very hard out from under the girl's own hand.

"That is none of your business girl. Boy get back to the house!" Gabe said harshly as he dragged me toward the way we came from.

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