Queen Elizabeth and the Princes Tower

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Richard walked down to his brother Edward IV's quarters and knocked on the door. Edward IV's wife Elizabeth opened the door still crying over her loss.
"Elizabeth I have just heard terrible news," Richard said to her trying to ignore her whimpers. He waited for her to say something, but when she didn't he just continued on.
"I have heard that someone is going to try to kill Edward V," Richard said trying to sound upset by his sentence. Elizabeth started sobbing again.
"If you would like I could hide him in the prince's tower along with Richard of Shrewsbury for safe keeping." Richard was glad when Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement and went to collect her sons for Richard III. When Elizabeth came back she wasn't crying anymore she put on a brave face so her sons didn't think anything was wrong.
"The rest of your family should probably pack up and move someplace secret just in case they could be after you too," Richard whispered to Elizabeth. She nodded and Richard took the boys to the opposite end of the castle. When they got to the tower, Richard III walked the boys in and let them see the room. There were two small beds for each of them and a sheet covering the beds. The rest of the room was empty and dull. Each boy took a bed and watched their uncle Richard walk out and lock the door. When they heard the door lock the boys looked at each other.
"Why are we in here Edward?" Richard of Shrewsbury asked in a frightened tone. The ten year old boy sat in his bed shivering and waiting for his brother's response. Edward didn't have a response, he wasn't sure why they were in here. All the thirteen year old boy did was get up and wrap the sheet from off of his bed around his brother. The boys sat like this till they fell asleep. The boys woke up to on bowl of gruel sitting in front of the door. It was then that they figured out they were prisoners in the tower.

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