[ h a p p y n e w y e a r ]

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hey lovely readers! it's going to be a new year in hours. it's a new chapter being added to your book, i.e, your life.

i just wanted to try and inspire you to looking forward to this new year. i hope that by the end of this written speech, you will be motivated. kinda!

i felt the need to do so because you guys made my year somehow better. i didn't plan on publishing HUB. but i did because of your requests and until now, the feedback are being great. i can't help but want to thank you again and again! i don't want you to think of me as some ungrateful person. i read all your comments and they make me happy even when the "update!" comment gets quite common and tiring, i look forward to be at the level required.

i know you all have problems in life. it's a test, as i call them. life is an examination where at times you don't have the answer. what do you do next? you skip it and complete the questionnaire and come back at it to fill the blank space. you try your best and write something so that when time's up, you are done.

the only issue is each question is a moment of your life where decisions have been made and choices. when you choose the wrong answer, the following question gets kind of tougher but not impossible to answer. you may not be allowed to erase what you wrote but you need to go on and on until time's over and you leave the examination centre.

when the results arrive, you know whether you 'revised' well or not, and what will now happen to you. (heaven or hell.)

you don't tear the paper because of one question, now do you? you don't tun away, do you? you don't leave school, do you?

in the same way, hurting yourself isn't the right decision. nor is it a choice.

you've got to stay strong because trust me, it gets better. it always do! i've seen a lot of things happen which i wouldn't want anyone else to go through. i've had bad days too. i've turned worse ever since some stuff happened but guys, in the end i am to be blame for what i allow to hurt me. and what hurt me causes my personality to change too. and at times, i blame the problems.

but no, problems are always going to be there. i am the one who has the power to open and close the door to my heart, to my life or whatever!

are you getting the point?

guys, you have years to live but don't choose 2017 to be your last one. your life is worth more than an overdose of pills which costed you nine pounds. your life costs more than the knife that your mum bought at three dollars. (i am not really acquainted to these currencies, btw).

throw such thoughts from your mind and booooom, into the garbage. you, my friend, are going to be someone else a day. whether a mother, a grandma, a teacher, an astronaut, an actor, you are going to be someone. let all your issues make you shine as you tell stories about how you fought depression, cancer and what not. inspire others because everyone needs it.

today, you are anyone. you are Aria, Spencer, Emily, Hannah, Alison, Ezra, Toby, Caleb, Mona, Noel, Scott, Stiles, Malia,Derek, Lydia, Kira or Peter.You are making way to someone else. Just like Scott became Alpha Scott while Toby became a policeman, you will turn into someone else.

Just make sure you know what is better for you. Seek advice if you want! there's me. there's your bestie. there's your mother. there's a lot of people out there.

I am afraid to face 2017. 2016 has been the best year ever, surprising much ikr! and i don't know whether i am ready to welcome an unknown new year.

but we need to be brave.

trust me, things do get better. and your life is priceless.

it's funny how people are afraid to lose their diamond ring but not their life. it's funny how we may find it hard to find ourselves in a crowd.

love yourself and love me tooo, okay?

and i love you so much guys. having 21k reads and 900+ votes for a kinda cliché book like HUB with seven chapters only is absolutely amazing. it makes my day everyday!

now, i sincerely hope that you enjoy this 366th day as much as I wish you would. and stay strong. i am always there if you want to talk. always!

thanks a lottttt

and happy new year in great advance. it's currently 06:14 am and i've yet to sleep. i guess i'll be waking up at 14h something again and hear mum complain about how lazy her daughter is being! dramatic!

maybe simple moments like these are worth living for, right? :)


p.s. i honestly look forward to hear from you ten years onwards, telling me that my speech thing inspired you to become .. idk .. powerwoman or waterwoman something. i'll be proud tbh. xD

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