Chapter 1: Hopelessly in Love

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Aya's Point Of View

       I walked to my bus stop, yawning and rubbing my eyes. I hadn't woken up properly yet, even after getting ready for school. I really needed my morning tea. When I got to the bus, I heard my friend Hope call out, "Morning, sleepy head!". I gave her a weak wave as I struggled to keep my heavy eye lids up. "Morning." I replied. She smiled and then shook me to high heavens. "Wake up!" she yelled. "Fine Fine..!" I said yawning once more. She sighed and then her smile returned. My eyes wandered around the area. I guess I hadn't paid much attention to it recently because it seemed like it changed a lot. The trees looked a deep brown and the leaves that hung on to the branches had been turning yellow and red. Leaves had taken over the ground and many yards and some gently blew in the light breeze. 

Soon the bus arrived, and we all boarded it. I sat in the 6th seat starting from the front as I usually did. Hope sat next to me and then stayed silent. She always used the first 10 minutes of the bus ride to figure out what to talk about. I looked out the window and saw some neighbors already mowing their lawns. The stop signs passed by as did houses and lingering pedestrians. I closed my eyes and listened to the chattering passengers of the bus as well as the loud music they were playing. For some reason, my good friend Jarrod popped into my head. I loved him, a lot. It was obvious that he didn't feel the same way. I longed for him and I really wanted to tell him how I felt. He remained on my mind no matter how much I tried to forget him.

We arrived at school finally. Just great, I have to see him today, and he'll only make me crazier. I sighed once more as we got off the bus. That was strange, Hope didn't say anything during the bus ride which is strange. I brushed it off and went to class. Hope wasn't in my class this year unfortunately. I had to spend the day with Jarrod and make myself feel stupid all over again. "Morning." I said as I took the seat next to him. "Hey Aya." he replied. His voice already made me happy and blush a little. I took out my red composition book for English Class and did the morning warm-up. When I was done, I pushed up my glasses and put my head down. 

I'm tired and drained and yet I couldn't figure out why. I went to sleep early, and slept well during the night so I don't understand. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I looked to see who it was and it was Jarrod, who had a slight worried look on his face. "What's wrong with you...?" he asked. "Just tired." I replied quickly while returning my head between my folded arms. I was blushing profusely and didn't want to show my face. I decided to point my hearing toward Jarrod and his continued conversation with Ivan.

"So, you coming to the skating ring tonight? Everyone is going." Ivan asked. "I don't know yet. Maybe." Jarrod replied. "Decide soon. Some people are only going if you go." Ivan said. "I'm not their master. They can go if they want. I wouldn't really care." Jarrod said coolly. I always kind of admired him for his non-caring attitude. I heard him sigh and then say, "I need to tell you something at lunch today." he said. "Okay..." Ivan said. I had raised my head back up as I heard my teacher, Mrs. Greene, walk in. She greeted the class as most of them were present now. I turned my head to the right of me and looked at Kay Gordon. She was one of my friends that I talked to regularly; if I wasn't talking to Jarrod, that is.

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Lunch Time....

3rd period was now in session and we were dismissed to lunch. I walked with Kay as we arrived at the lunch line. "You haven't been yourself lately. Something wrong?" she asked. "No, just tired." I said. What was bothering me anyhow? Maybe it was because I missed my usual morning cup of tea? I sighed once again. "You can talk to me if you want." she said."Like I said, I'm just tired and I can't exactly put my finger on why." I said. "Oh okay." she said. Her tone seemed saddened as if I was lying to her or something. 

We got our lunches and I spotted Hope not far. I decided to sit by her today. "Hey." I said. "Hi." she said in an annoyed tone. "What's wrong?" I ask. "It's Riley. She's seriously pissing me off." she said. I raised an eyebrow saying, "How? What'd she do?" "She made a fool of me in the classroom yesterday and then had the nerve to talk about it today." she said. "I'm not a huge fan of Riley either, but you can't get yourself caught up in drama." I said. "I know, but how can I avoid it when she's coming at me head on?" she asked. "You have a point..." I said. I glanced around the cafeteria and sure enough, I spotted Jarrod. I saw him with Ivan as usual going to join the boys at a nearby table. I blushed and turned away as our eyes met for a split second.

I quietly ate my lunch as I listened to Hope tell me about Riley. Riley Hexxon. She's one of the most drama crazed people in the school. It's like she can't live without starting or being in some type of drama. She always talks about other people and about how much she doesn't like them. I can't stand being around people like her. Riley sat in the same table as the guys did. Many rumors went around about it but personally, I just think she gets along better with guys than she does with girls. I didn't finish eating lunch because wanting to know what Jarrod was going to tell Ivan about now was eating at my attention. I really just wanted to know. It was so loud in the Cafeteria, there was no way of spying. 

I decided to kill time, so I went to the library. It was pretty quiet so I chose a corner at the back of the room. I always sat there to ponder and question myself. It was refreshing to finally get away from the noise and take in the smell of books. I closed my eyes and thought of Jarrod once again. I was approaching him and finally told him what I wanted to finally say. "I love you. I hope you will love me back." I opened my eyes again and stared at the skylight in the library. When will I tell you I'm in love with you? I can't keep this up, yet I can't get over you and you remain on my mind no matter what.

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