Chapter 3: The Hospital

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I woke up in a white room with bright lights. I noticed the slight beeping noise that came from a nearby monitor. Was I in the hospital...? As my vision cleared, I confirmed my assumption was right. A door opened and a man in a white uniform and glasses came in. "Oh, you're awake!" he said. I tried to smile a little but thinking about it made my head hurt. "You collided into a young man and hit your head causing a minor concussion, and you cracked the tip of your tailbone, sprained your left ankle and sprained your right leg. It's gonna hurt for a few days, I won't lie, so be careful." he said. "That explains my headache.." I replied. The doctor said nothing but simply responded with a smile.

" The young man you collided with along with some other people has been waiting in the lobby to see you for quite a while so, you should expect him soon now that you've woken up." the doctor said before leaving. I sighed and looked at the brace on my leg and the cast on my ankle. My head hurt but besides that, I was fine. I then heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. The door opened and there stood Jarrod with a worried expression.

"Hey Aya..." he said. I thought I would've burst of happiness but every time there was some little stress on my body, my headache would worsen. "Hey Jarrod." I said. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Fine now I guess, but I have a massive headache." I replied. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stood by the entrance like that." he said. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have did more than two rounds and I should've slowed down sooner." I replied. We're alone, and the door is closed, so nobody can bother us. Perhaps I should tell him how I feel now?

"Oh right, I wanted to talk to you." he said. "Sure..." I said. "It's about school... So, Ivan told me I should hangout with him sometime and said I had to bring you to or else he won't tell me some type of secret." he said. "Basically, your bargaining me?" I asked. Now I was annoyed, I almost wished he didn't tell me why. I was invited but it wasn't out of kindness. It wasn't because he liked me, it wasn't because he knew I loved him or anything of the sort, it was because Ivan told him! However, it was a chance to hangout with him outside of school, so I couldn't decline.

"No- That's not what I mea-" I cut him off. "I'd be happy to." I said. I tried not to show the hurt I was feeling and just went with it."Whew, that wasn't what I mean though. I'm not bargaining you, it's just less awkward than to say its kind of a date." he said taking a deep breath. My good spirit went back up again. I turned my head and smiled so hard, that I probably looked insane. I took a deep breath and then nodded my head as a understanding friend would. It was basically torture to myself but I couldn't exactly let him know just yet.

"How should I dress for the occasion and when is it?" I asked. "He says its like semi-formal, so maybe a dress of something, I don't know. It's this Saturday, 3 days after your discharge if everything goes well with no complications." he said taking a seat on one of the chairs. "So, where exactly are we going that's semi-formal? Like, we're 14, years old, so what place is gonna let us stay there by ourselves?" I asked. "It's at Olive Garden, and Ivan already reserved it, so we just have to show up." he replied. "Alright." I said. He smiled to himself and I stared at the ceiling once more.

"Thank you for waiting for in the hospital all day...." I said. "It's okay, I was hurt too but not nearly as bad as you." he said. "I'm sorry again, but just recovering, and say, could I tell you something? Its kind of a secret." I said. "You can tell me pretty much anything." he said. "Well, I fell in love with a guy, and can't find an opportunity to tell. You probably don't know, but I'm just asking." I said. "Who is this lucky guy anyway? You're right, I don't know but what I do know is that guys tend to want to know if you like them first before they make the move. You should probably flirt with him or make obvious yet sneaky gestures." he said. "Thanks." I said.

"No Problem? That's kinda random, why ask me?" he asks. "You're the one who said I could pretty much tell you anything.." I said. "Got me there. When are you gonna tell him?" he asked. "When the time is right." I said while yawning. "It's late, so I have to head home, if I can swing by tomorrow then I will." he said getting up. "See you later, Jarrod." I said. I love you...have a good night....

He left and then my family walked in. They loaded me down with questions, and I answered them briefly. I didn't see Hope though, but she probably had to go home. Once everyone went home, I was finally alone in the hospital room and had time to think to myself. I was hungry though, and I wanted Chick-Fil-A so bad. I hadn't had any cravings recently but I couldn't help myself so I picked up the remote connected to my bed and called the nurse. "Hello, I hope you're feeling well, is there anything I can help you with?" she asked politely. "Yes, Ma'am, I'm so hungry. I haven't had a thing to eat since I got here. May I please get a Chick-Fil-A Chicken Sandwich with Waffle Fries?" I asked. "That's quite alright, I'll send someone down it give it to you, okay?" she said. "Thank you!" I said. She smiled gently and then hung up. I turned on the TV to see if there was anything at all to watch.

* * *
The next day....

I woke up and stared at the ceiling for a while, wondering how this even happened. God, my back hurts...! A gentle knock was heard on my hospital room door which made me snap back into reality. As the door opened, I expected it to be Jarrod, however it was Hope. "You're awake!" She said giving me a hug. She cautiously let go as I winced in pain. "S-Sorry!" She said nervously. Hospitals made her uneasy...especially since the accident that her cousin suffered. She decided to hold my right hand instead, and gave a gentle smile. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have left you." she said as she teared up. "It's okay, Hope. It's alright...I left on my own." I said. I hated seeing her cry, especially when she had no reason to. She walked over once more and gave me a hug, being gentle. I returned it and smiled "So, wanna spend the day with broke up me?" I laughed. "You already know!!" she said getting the second bag she had practically dragged in. When she opened it, it revealed pretty much anything a hospital wouldn't recommend. She had the junkiest food there was, a book, movies, laptop, tablet, phones, journals, pens, get well card, you name it! "Of course you'd come prepared!" I laughed. "Well, I mean...did you expect me not to..?" she said starting to pull things out. She took out her fold in table. How on Earth did she even get in the hospital with that stuff? Who cares...we were gonna have fun together all day!


Later that night...

Hope fell asleep, and all her things were almost packed up. She had a donut case sitting on her desk, and earplugs in her ears as she peacefully slept. The door opened, and there stood Jarrod. "Wow, hey, you're back." I said. "I said I would be, didn't I?" he said. "I suppose you did." I replied, looking out the window. "How are you feeling?" he asked sitting next to me on the bed. My heart was racing, feeling like it wanted to jump out of my chest. "Good enough, I suppose." I said looking into his brown eyes. He smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling out a black permanent marker. With the best of his ability, he wrote "Get well soon! -Jarrod L." on my cast. This made me nearly burst in excitement. "That's sweet of you." I said while putting my hand where he wrote his message. "No problem, Aya." he said putting it back. He continued, "There is something we need to talk about....".

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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