This is gonna be great(not)

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The italicised writings are your thoughts

I arrived at school the next day with all the things I'm going to need for the field trip: Snacks, drinks, portable chargers, my phone, my laptop, my tablet, my iPod, my mp3 player, a knife(just in case I need to stab a bitch), a little handgun, bullets, a change of clothes, and all my drawing equipment. Among the crowd of kids, I saw my worst enemy Kayla and her dumb boyfriend Aidan. Marzia and I were first on the bus. I took the back seat for myself and Marzia took the seat next to me. She was stuck sitting with somebody, but at least she got to sit on the outside. For the first hour or so, Marzia and I made plans for what we were going to do on the trip. Marzia eventually fell asleep. So I took out my sketchbook and began drawing booty shorts bit- I mean, Alois Trancy and Claude Faustus from Black Butler(below).

 So I took out my sketchbook and began drawing booty shorts bit- I mean, Alois Trancy and Claude Faustus from Black Butler(below)

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Once I finished drawing, I put on 'Don't You Dare Forget The Sun' by Get Scared. I eventually fell asleep, only to be jolted awake by the sudden halting of the bus. I looked over at Marzia to see her rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. I then look out the window to see a sign that says 'Camp Crystal Lake'. 'Hmm, that sounds familiar' "We're finally here", Marzia said. The doors opened and people began filing off the bus. There was exactly 20 of us. 10 girls, 10 guys. Four people, not much older than us, began walking toward us. There were 2 guys and 2 girls. The two girls introduced themselves to be Leena and Candice. They said they were going to be the counsellors for all the girls. The two guys introduced themselves as Billy and Bobby. They said they were going to be the counsellors for the guys. Each gender group was taken to their cabin to unpack. The counsellors told us that they'd be back in an hour to get us. Marzia and I took the bunk beds in the far corner, under the window.

 Marzia and I took the bunk beds in the far corner, under the window

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Pretend there's a window above the bed

I bunked on the bottom while Marzia bunked on the top. Everyone magically finished unpacking in about 30 minutes. Marzia and I were talking from our bunks for a few minutes until she decided to take a nap. I then took out a box of doughnuts. Before I could open the box, Kayla walked up to me and said, "Give them to me NOW!" I responded with, "Get your own bitch." She then slapped me and began trying to pry the box out of my hands. I punched her in the nose and at that moment, the counsellors walked in. Kayla screamed, "Oww, Y/N hit me!" "Y/N, that wasn't. That wasn't nice.", Candice said. "She slapped me, twice, then she tried to take my doughnuts", I said in defence. "Did you do that Kayla?", Leena asked. "Yeah, but she wouldn't share!", Kayla whined. "That's very childish and not the mature way of going about things. I can't blame Y/N, I would've drop kicked you had you done it to me. Speaking of Y/N, why won't you share with her?", Candice asked. "Ahh, Let's see, 1. I'm not sharing with her because she's always being mean to me and she thinks everyone will just bow down to her. And 2. I'm not sharing with her because she didn't even ask, she just demanded that I give them all to her.",  I said. "Kayla! Is that how young adults are supposed to act? I do request that you apologise to Y/N", Leena said. "B-BUT-BUT-BUT I-I-I", Kayla stammered out. "Now Kayla, we don't have all day and we're already running behind", Candice said. "Ugh. Fine...I'm sorry Y/N. There you happy?", Candice asked. "Not really, but I guess that works.", I smugly responded.

Man, this was a pain in the ass to write. I'll try to write more later.

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