Chapter 12

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I'm going to be experimenting a bit

All this weirdness has made you hungry so you decided to go get a cheese stick. You open the fridge only to see that the bag of cheese sticks is you decided to jump out the window that Ghostface jumped out of and began to follow his scent. You followed his scent all the way to a gigantic oak tree. You hear whistling above you and so you snap your head towards it. Surprise surprise...Ghostface is up there munching on some cheese sticks. CORRECTION! Your cheese sticks. "HEY" you scream up him, startling him and making him fall out the tree. He quickly hops up. "WHAT WAS THAT FOOOO..." he trails off once he notices you staring at the cheese sticks. He backs away slowly, nervously laughing before taking off in the opposite direction. You take off right behind him, your thundering footsteps making the ground shake. Once you get close enough to him you tackle him to the ground. You flipped him over and straddled him. In a deep demonic voice, you go "Peasant, you have taken the cheese sticks, you have fucked up. Hand over the rest of the cheese sticks and I'll let you live another day."

Ghostface looks at you. Then looks at the cheese sticks. Then looks back at you. He was about to call you a fat ass bitch and shove you off of him when all of a sudden something clicks in his mind and he pushes the cheese sticks into your chest. You remove yourself from him and began the trek back to your cabin. 

Upon arrival, you hear loud crashes coming from inside. All of a sudden, a large body comes flying out of the window towards you. You quickly jump out of the way to avoid being crushed. You began walking towards the large figure, now identified as Michael, when all of a sudden Jason comes charging out of your front door. Michael quickly regains his composure and gets up. He runs at Jason with his knife that he mysteriously pulled out of his ass and Jason dodges all of his attacks with depressing ease.

You found this scene very sexy so you just stood there gaping at them with a major nosebleed.(watch the video)

Look at the gif at the beginning of the chapter.(That's me 24/7)

All the blood you lost caused you to lose consciousness, but before you drifted off you saw Jason and Michael rushing towards you.

Time skip to where you regain le consciousness

You woke up on your back without opening your eyes. That's weird I fainted on my back, you thought. You were about to go back to sleep when you realized your head was on something warm. Your eyes shot open and you came face-to-mask with Jason. You were about to say something when you heard soft snoring coming from him. You didn't want to wake him but you were really hungry, so you tried to gently remove his arms from you... but that only made him squeeze harder. After several more attempts, you got very angry, propelled yourself upward, and uppercutted Jason...with your head. You hear a grunt of pain and use this opportunity to wriggle out of Jason's arms.

You yell a quick "sorry" and bolt for your kitchen. You then began preparing the Ultimate Meal.

4 hours later

4 hours later

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To be continued...

Laito: Hello Bitch-chan~

Author-san: WRONG FANDOM LAITO. *Escorts Laito into his own fandom*

Freddy: What was that all about?

Author-San: Oh, Laito has trouble staying in his own fandom cus he's a douche.

What is up my Cranky Crew? *trollface* I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it's one of the longest I've written(630). Anyways, I'll see all you weirdos in the next chapter.

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