So this is how it begin

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Hey! I'm here! Very sorry this took so long! But I hope this long chapter will pay for it! Please enjoy.

Special Thank to misty-chaos for edit this chapter!

Play whenever: Shawn Mendes~Stitches

Play whenever: Shawn Mendes~Stitches

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Wildcat pov:

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Wildcat pov:

I cautiously pace myself inside this huge and empty white room. All I could hear was my loud footsteps and soft breathing inside the white room. It's pretty quiet and creepy, but at the same time warm and inviting which is why I kept on moving forward. It felt like time just didn't matter in this room because there was no sign of time, anywhere. Out of the corner of my emerald eyes, I glance at a bright yellow light in the distance. I swiftly run towards the light when a warm spark lights inside my chest. While running towards the light, I notice four colourful symbols on the wall. The symbols read dragon, rabbit and pig but the last one is indistinguishable. I think it reads, monkey? I slowly walk up to the pig symbol on the wall while the pig symbol starts to glow bright green. I hesitantly reach for it until...

"Hello, Wildcat! It's nice to finally meet you. Guardian of Earth." A voice of a woman calls out to me. I swiftly turn around to see a lady with purple hair and enormous white wings.

"How do you know my name and who I am?" I ask curiously while a white bird carefully lands on her shoulder.

"I know everything and everyone. Even my guardians. I am the original Phoenix after all." she responds happily with a soft chuckle.

"I kinda knew that by the bird. But what I want to know is what do you want from me? I'm busy at the moment." I shoot back in annoyance while angrily folding my tense arms.

"I know, Wildcat. You're trying to find a missing Mini, correct? " She questions back gently.

"Yeah. Know it all. So can you please let me out of here? I need to find Mini as soon as possible. Plus I don't want to be any part of your plan." I announce impatiently while slowly walking closer to her.

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