Hello to anyone who like read my book! Thanks you for reading my book! :) Very appreciate!

My username is Norablue! (I'll never tell my real name :P ) Read my Tag book if you want to learn more about me!
  • IscrittoAugust 31, 2015

Ultimo messaggio
Norablue19 Norablue19 Jan 28, 2019 06:06AM
New chapter of H2ovanoss Hybrid is out. Called Tear us apart! 
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Storie di Norablue19
Hybrid (H2oVanoss) di Norablue19
Hybrid (H2oVanoss)
There was once a place where hybrid and human live together in peace.The hybrid are gently and kind creatures...
Trust me (H2OVanoss) di Norablue19
Trust me (H2OVanoss)
Vanoss is one of the leader of the gang which are number one of the city they live in. Delirious gang leader...
Tags and other di Norablue19
Tags and other
Get to know me!
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