Me and My Vampire Prince Chapter 1

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Me and My Vampire Prince

Chapter 1

"Good morning, Princess Catherine."

"Good morning, Zilo. Is my mother back from her trip," I asked.

Zilo is my mother's vampire. Well, we still have the right to choose a vampire protector. My mom chose Zilo. She's my mother's personal bodyguard, assistant and secretary. She also cared for me when I was a baby.

"Sure. You can come in. But I must warn you, she will not be in a great mood today," she replied sadly.

"I know. It's Theo's birthday."

Theo's my brother. He's my best friend and he's the reason why I'm gonna take my vampire.

You see, Theo and I are pretty close. He would play with me when I was bored or talk with me when I was sad. I have three other sisters but I really can't talk to them.

Evangeline and veronica are my older twin sisters. Evangeline is always busy. If she's not shopping, she's attending a party or dating somebody or hanging out with her friends. Veronica always shuts herself up in her room, reading and studying. She's very antisocial and the only person she talks with (as far as I know) is her vampire.

And then there's Anna Lynn, my baby sister. She's a baby so that rules her out.

Theo is my only friend. He's the one who truly understands me. But he died. In a war.

I really missed having Theo and since he died I always end up sitting alone late at night because he's not there to comfort me after my nightmares. I always end up riding alone in the forest with only Dawn, my stallion, as my companion. I always end up getting lost in the palace because he's not there to guide me. In short, I felt empty.

I opened the door leading to my mother's office and was shocked to see the curtains letting the sunlight in. My mother always celebrates Theo's birthday in the dark.


"I'm here, sweetie."

"Mom, why..."

"Well, I realized Theo would not want me to celebrating in the dark. It's been three years, right?"

My mom looked up from the book looking at me with shining emerald eyes. I did not know why but her eyes always root me to the spot. Maybe I remember Theo just by staring into them.

"And I expect you to do the same," she said, walking towards me. "Move on, Catherine. Theo died but you're still alive. You roam the palace like a lost woman. Do you think Theo would want that?"

My mom was shaking me so hard that the tears I'm trying to hold back fell.

"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm happy. I have moved on. I'm smiling and..."

"But look at your eyes. That's not the eyes of the Catherine I knew."

"Mom I'm trying. I'm here to... to tell you that I'm going to choose my vampire."

She was so shocked that she froze for a minute before regaining her composure.

"Well, it's about time. You are already late for two years. Look at you. My beautiful daughter, 14 without a protector."

"Mom," I whined "you're getting creepy again."

"I'm not getting creepy. Now, let's see. Zilo can accompany you if you want."

"No, mom. I'm asking Veronica or Evangeline to accompany me."

At that, mom raised her perfect eyebrows.


"Evangeline and Veronica? You're impossible," she said in an I-can't-believe-you tone.

"I know. That's why you love me, right," I said teasing her.

"Okay... I give up. Good luck."


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