Episode 3: Catch A Ride!- No.

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Sorry, I'm a piece of shit. And I'm really sorry for not updating. I love you all! Throw rotten tomatoes if ya want. Or a boulder. Or something that can harm me, idc, I'm an asshole sorry.
"Well, glad I could help." The doctor walked away, heading to leave the area.

"Woah, hang on there, Doc, if that even is your real name." Fiona said accusingly.

"It's not, and I never said it was." He shook his head.

"Well, I'm not done with you yet!" Fiona said defiantly.

"Mmmph, you tell 'im, ma!" I encouraged.

Fiona sighed.

The man threw up his arms, exhasperated.

"There's no need for you to be this suspicious, surely..."

I raised a brow. You're an old man, creepy one at that, that came out of nowhere. So being suspicious is a rather valid accusation.

"But I just helped hi--" He defended himself. He cut himself and looked over to Athena, who was glaring at him. His eyes held a glint of fear.

"Very well..." He sighed in defeat.

He walked a bit, turning around.

"I'm... on the run, you see. I have lost everything. My wife, my son, my cat." Sounds sad, not buying it though.

"I did not lose them in that order, though. I lost my wife, then my cat, then my son. So: Wife, Cat, Son."


"You ever thought of becoming a storyteller? Because your sense for crucial information is just--" Rhys laughed sarcastically.

"Rhys." Sarah scolded.

"Forgive me. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed human contact. Perhaps I've forgotten how to talk to people. You must understand. I've suffered months of wandering, isolation. Skulking from one location to the next."

He waved his arm as his voice raised dramatically.

"Broken. Ashamed. Homeless. I got here to this place, only minutes ago." He raised his arms, starring at the sky through a glass window.

"So leave me now, to my demons, and go." He ended dramatically.

"Wow, Rhys is right. You should become a storyteller. Like we believe your bullshit." I snarled.

"W-what ever do you mean?!" He asked, angrily.

"Well, judging by how there are clothes in the room, slightly smelling, which indicates that it's been worn and placed in that position for more than a few minutes ago. The clothes also have a bit of dust on it, indicating that it hasn't been worn in 2 days or so. Also the Drake fruit stash that has the only ripe drakefruit on top with a bite out of it, slightly oxidized. You seemed to have pratice your little speech, being quite dramatic. You also mapped out the whole facility, which would have taken a while to do. You are a liar, and you are hiding something important. Did I get anything wrong?" I said quickly.
(Breaking walls here lul)

Rhys looked at me with an eyebrow raised and eyes slightly widened. So did everyone else.

"What?" I asked.

The man looked over at me. He glared at me.

"Those were here before I got here!" He defended.

"Pathetic." I scoffed.

"So if you claim that they were here before you got here, you wouldn't mind if I--" Fiona began to raise the map, about to rip it.

"NO! Don't do that...To that, uh, map, is it? That I've never seen before. Just fond of paper." He screamed, reaching out, before lowering an octave and quickly tried covering himself.

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