Chapter 3

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Alison woke up with her head pounding, her chest tight and her arm hurting. She was in pain, lots of pain. It took her a while to take in her surroundings. Alison looked around and all she saw was white; white walls, white furniture and a white hospital type bed.

“You’re awake I see,” Alison heard someone say. She looked her right to find a boy, about her age, sitting on the white uncomfortable-looking couch. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a green t-shirt and black jeans. He had short blond-brown curly hair and strange green-gray eyes. “It’s been a while. 17 hours to be exact. Are you in too much pain?”

“Kind of,” she answered. Then, Alison noticed something, “Who are you? Do you know why I’m here? What happened to me?” she began firing questions at him.

“WOW! Slow down. I’m Ashton. You were hurt. You have a slash on your wrist and on your front, and you lost a lot of blood,” Ashton answered.

Alison was more than just confused. All she remembered was fighting with Adam and Jessie and walking home. Adam! Jessie! Mom! Emily! She thought. Oh my, Adam and Jessie think I’m mad at them. Mom must be so worried. “Can you do me a favour? Call my family for me, they must be worried.”

“Actually, I can’t, and neither can you,” Ashton told her bluntly, “you’re in danger and we’ve got to get out of here as soon as we possibly can.”

“WHAT! No I’m not! I’ve never offended anyone. I don’t have enemies, and who in the world are you? What do you want to do with me?” she questioned.

Ashton looked her straight in the eye and said “I’m not from this world. I am your Guardian Angel.” He winked.

Alison laughed! As much as it hurt her to do so, she still couldn’t stop! He’s a Guardian Angel?! No, he’s a delusional idiot, she thought to herself.

“You really think I’m joking right?” Ashton asked her. “Well then I’ll prove it, I know everything there is to know about you. Ask a question!” he challenged.

“Okay then, what did I do on my seventh birthday that no one else knows about?” Alison asked him without thinking it through. She was confident he wouldn’t know about that dress. No one did.

“You thought you were old enough to wear your mothers clothes so you put on her favorite dress and high-heels, only to trip, rip the dress and break a heal. You hid the dress by burying it in the backyard.” He told her, slightly amused.

Alison was scared to say the least. Oh my Gosh! How does he know this? I’ve never told anyone! She thought to herself. “Stay away from me!” she demanded.

“I AM YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL,” He told her as if he was explaining to a five-year-old child, “I have to keep you SAFE, not hurt you myself.” Alison felt him stare at her for a good 5 minutes. “You don’t believe me right, well okay, call a nurse, she won’t be able to see me,” Ashton told her.

Alison pressed the button and three long minutes later, a nurse walked in. Her uniform was an outfit of white pants and a light blue loose top. She looked like she was about 35 years old. “Hi sweetie, are you in pain? I’m going to give you some pain medication okay?” she asked. Alison nodded and took it absentmindedly. She was thinking of a way to ask the nurse about Ashton without sounding like she was crazy. “There you go! Would you like me to call family for you seeing that you have no one here for you?” she asked running her eyes around the room.

Alison looked towards Ashton. He stood there smirking at her, “see! I told you, see can’t see me because I do not want to be seen.”

“No way!” she said to him.

“Alright then sweetie, just ring when you want to tell your family, or if you need something,” the nurse told her. Alison realised that the nurse thought Alison was talking to her. She didn’t hear him! She thought amazed. Alison just nodded and with that, the nurse walked out.

“Well, as fun as that was, we have to go! You are in danger, the doctor had told me you may leave when you wake up. I’m going to complete the paperwork. Here, go change,” Ashton said tossing a bag to her.

Alison opened the bag and found her own cloths in there along with undergarments. She walked into the bathroom and washed herself up. She couldn’t take a shower considering her torso was bandaged. She carefully cleaned herself, changed and walked back outside. Ashton was back waiting for her.

“The papers are done, let’s go!” he told her. Ashton grabbed her things and told her to wait in the room while he puts the stuff into the car. He came back and helped her to the car.

It was a grey Audi A4. Alison didn’t know where he got it from, but she had a feeling she didn’t want to know. Ashton started driving. Alison thought nothing about where they were going until he drove past her neighborhood. “Ashton! You missed my house!” she told him, panicking.

“We cannot go to your house. They know where you live. We have to leave, change your name and appearance, and pretty much just hide for right now,” he told her.

“NO!” Alison screamed, “I WANT MY MOTHER!”

“FINE!” he yelled back, “We’ll go to your house so that they can follow us there and kill your family!” Ashton stopped the car on the side of the road. “Look, we leave now, stop at a public place, you call home and tell them you’re safe and we leave. That way they’re safe and so are you.”

Alison just nodded. She didn’t know who ‘they’ were, but she knew this was big. She knew he was right.

Ashton reached over and ran this hand over her cheeks. Alison didn’t know when she had started crying. She was scared. No, she was terrified. Why me? She thought to herself.

“Explain!” Alison demanded. “Who are ‘they’? Why do they want me? Why are you helping me? I want to know everything!”

“Well, I’m going to have to start at the beginning,” he said, “This is pretty much going to sound like I made up a story to tell you. Sadly, you don’t have a choice but to believe me.”

Alison just stared at him waiting for him to continue.

Ashton started, “The World of the Arylea is the world of angels. When a person dies, they go to the Iralosa. Iralosa is the “in between”. It is between the Praishea and this world. If a person died peacefully, their journey continues to the Praishea. They turn into souls. The chosen souls turn into Guardian Angels. The rest are re-born. The Angel ‘Tanakh’ is the one that makes all the decisions. Angels, who fail to fulfil their duty, are given punishments. The World of the Arylea is all about discipline,” he looked at Alison as if to check if she understands. Alison nodded for him to continue. “In the Arylea, there is good, however, there is also the bad. Adaggon is the angel of the Aralasis. When the purest souls go to the Praishea, the blackest souls go to the Aralasis. The war for power, between Tanakh and Adaggon, has being going on for years, and now YOU are in the middle,” he finished dramatically.

Alison was mad, “Why me?” she all but screamed, “And where do you come into this?”

“I don’t know why,” he told her apologetically, “and I was assigned to you. Tanakh had summoned me, and before you ask why me, I’m the best there is, or at least was.”

“Was?” she questioned Ashton.

“Yes… um let’s stop now,” he said quickly. Alison knew he was hiding something and she really wanted to know what!

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