Chapter 26

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I was being awoken to someone slightly shaking me. I groaned and rolled over trying to shake off whoever was shaking me.

"Cataleya wake up. We have to go home." A voice that sounded a lot like Erebus'.

I opened my eyes to find myself on the same bed and same room as last night. I looked down at myself to see I was still naked and pulled the sheets further up my body.

I looked over at Erebus to see he was fully clothed and waiting on me. I rolled my eyes and slowly got out of the bed and started making my way towards the bathroom grabbing my clothes on the way.

Once I was presentable I walked out and stood next to Erebus who grabbed my hand and escorted me out of the room.

We walked downstairs to see tons of passed out bodies covering the floor. I had to hop over about thirty bodies to get to the front door.

Once Erebus and I were out of the house we walked over to his car and got in after he unlocked it. Once he pulled out the driveway I immediately went back to my peaceful slumber.

I woke up to the sun leaving a burning sensation on my face. I looked around and found myself in Erebus and I's bedroom. I sat up and saw I was in the same clothes as yesterday and decided to take a shower since I probably smelt like ass.

I threw the covers off of me and strode towards the bathroom. I turned the shower to hot and water immediately fell from the top of the shower. We had the waterfall type shower which I absolutely loved.

I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the steamy water burning my skin. I let my muscles relax and began washing my body with my vanilla and pineapple body wash. I then washed my hair in my coconut shampoo and conditioner and turned off the shower.

I grabbed a towel on my way out and wrapped it around my body. I did the usual brushing my teeth, washing my face, and began on my hair. I let it air dry and straightened it so it was bone straight.

Once I was satisfied with what I looked like I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. I saw a manly figure sprawled out onto the couch and I was sure it wasn't Erebus, so I screamed.

I flew my palms out and levitated the figure off the couch throwing it into the wall.

"Cataleya it's me!! Zayn!!"

I looked again and saw it was indeed Zayn and let him go. He dropped onto the floor with a thud and slowly stood up.

"Zayn what the hell are you doing here!"

"I just came the check in and see how everyone was holding up when I was informed about the wedding."

"Ohh yeaaa. I was going to tell you."
I said looking down guiltily.

"Mmhmm bullshit. Now get dressed."

"For what?"

"We are going dress shopping!" He said with a toothy grin.

"Really?!?!" I said jumping up and down.


"Wait why now the wedding isn't until 6 more months. Hold on what day is it?"

"September 30."

"Wow. Really? I didn't even realize. It feels as if Mark died a few weeks ago when in reality it was 6 months ago."


I looked up to see Zayn sitting on the couch tears streaming down his face.

"Oh my God Zayn I am so sorry! I didn't mean to bring back any bad memories."

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