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The night was moonless, with some stars shimmering in the airspace. It was cold and breezy with some signs of rain, but it hadn't rained yet. Zoya sat, staring off into the darkness of the cerulean sky. She recalled the story of Prophet Ibrahim and how he discovered the answer to everything.

Though, it was magical. The beauty of the different layers of the sky with hidden colours we don't take notice of. The effortless beauty of a flowing river itself was magnificent enough. How could that have made itself? How were the atheists capable of assuming that? Zoya didn't know, but she was glad to know her creator and his creations.

"Zoya, Naimat is here!" Zoya's mother called out to her. Zoya broke out of her trance and jumped off the couch to greet her lovely friend.

Naimat and Zoya had been friends for a long time, and now they were in university together. Subhan Allah, the way Allah only strengthened their bond more and more each day was amazing. Zoya jogged to the living room only to get tackled onto the ground by her soul sister.

"As' salamu Alaykum Zoe! Allah, I haven't seen you in forever!" Naimat squealed. Zoya giggled, wrapping her arms tightly around Naimat.

"Wa' Alaykum salam! I missed you so much, Naim! How was Italy?" Zoya asked, still not letting her arms unwrap. Instead, they just tightened. Zoya and Naimat were the ultimate best friend goals.

"It was stunning! I can't wait for us to go back to Uni. We'll finally get done with our courses. You're going to be a doctor, and I'm going to be a psychologist," Naimat excitedly announced.

Zoya laughed at the never-ending enthusiasm and nodded in agreement. The girls pulled away from the hug, standing to walk towards Zoya's bedroom. Zoya served cookies, and Naimat happily dug in, emptying the plate in seconds.

"I have so much to tell you!"

From there began the girly chit chats. Zoya listened attentively as Naimat explained the scary feeling of being close to The Leaning Tower of Pisa. Naimat talked about the historic hotels in Venice and the trouble of not finding a spray in the toilets.

"There's something more I have to tell you." Naimat's lips twisted into a shy smile as she stared at her lap. Zoya grew suspicious and then asked for the news.

"Well, Baba thinks I'm capable of marriage, and tomorrow the boy and his family are coming over to see me." Zoya's eyes almost popped out, her jaw dropped in shock as she gasped. Zoya bounces up and down on the bed, thrilled with hearing such news.

"Subhan Allah!"

"I think I'm dreaming!"

"Oh my God!"

Zoya pulled Naimat into a warm embrace. Naimat giggled, hugging her back.

"But I'm scared, Zoe," Naimat mumbled, pulling away from the embrace. Zoya laid flat on her tummy as she bit her lip in worry.

"Why?" Zoya questioned because in all honesty, why? She didn't see a reason to be afraid. Marriage was Allah's gift to us human beings, and it completed half of our deen.

"What if he's just not the right guy?" Zoya frowned as she saw Naimat's crinkled forehead.

"Naimat, Allah is Al Muhaymin, our guardian. Trust him. He does everything for a reason." Zoya wasn't good with words. All that mattered to her was the frown on Naimat's lips, and she didn't like it. She had to make it better.

Naimat nodded, her brown eyes gleaming. A while later after talking their hearts out, Naimat stood to leave. Zoya and her bid their goodbyes then Zoya flopped onto the comfy bed. Tomorrow, her best friend was going to meet a guy who could be her potential husband. That was insane! Zoya hoped he was a good man because Naimat deserved every happiness in the world.

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