Minwoo Pt. 0.5

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This is the oneshot that Mingyu read on Wonwoo's phone in the previous chapter. Do i need to warn you about the smut or are you aight?

Wonwoo pov:

"Ahh! Mingyu quit it!" I squealed trying to get him off of me. "Youre heavy"  i pushed his shoulders.

We stared into eachothers eyes. He was above me and my neck hurt to look up at him.

"M-Mingyu?" i said in a hushed tone.
"Yes, princess?" He inched closer.
"m-my neck hurts." I ached.
"And its gonna hurt a lot more tonight" he growled.
"W-what do you mean?" I shrunk into the couch.
"Im going to make you hurt a lot more tonight." He got ever so closer and kissed me, but the thing is, i kissed him back.

We kissed on the couch, him shirtless and me fully clothed. He was getting iritated though and slipped my shirt off. He smiled mischievously.

"W-why would i smile like that?" I asked ww
"Shut up and finish reading."

It was cold and i felt vulnerable. I took my hands from his body to cover up mine.
"No, no, no, Wonwoo dont cover up your beautiful body. Id like to see it more often."

He smiled down at me but i didnt look at him. I dont like my body.

"Wonwoo?" Mingyu asked while lightly grabbing my wrist that was covering my chest.
"Uh-uh" i refused. "I want to top tonight." I finally looked up at him and his face was priceless. "HAHAHA im just joking. Did you like my innocent look? I liked it."

Mingyu looked so confused.

"I think the stuttering really sealed the deal." I picked at my nails. "Ugh. Just come on."

I got up, grabbed Mingus hand and led him to our bedroom in the dorm. I laid him on the bed and crawled on top of him.

Mingyu didnt move.

"Arent you going to do anything?" I layed down to whisper in his ear.

Mingyu's pov:

His voice was sexy and managed to turn me on even more. My breathing picked up and i gripped his waist.

He bit his lip.

"Wonwoo." He looked at me, "stand up." I commanded.
"Okay." He said innocently.

I stood along with him and took off my pants and underwear, then picked Wonwoo up bridal style and layed him on the bed.

I slipped the button out of his jeans and slowly slip down the zipper. I took his pants and underwear off in a swift slide down his legs.

"Mingyu-ah hurry." Wonwoo pleaded.
"Patience baby, i want to preserve this moment."
"Why? Its not like we havent done it before." He said sassily.

"Hehehe youre a sassy lil bitch in this." I laughed.
"Stfu and read."

I didnt respond to that, but started to kiss down his neck instead. I kissed from his neck to his collar bone to his chest to his bellybutton. I stopped right at his hip bones.

"Mingyu-aah" wonwoo whined.

Yet again, no response. I went back to his neck and licked up the side and wonwoo bit his lip.

His breathing was out of control telling me ive got him. I lift him up so hes on his knees in front of me and were staring at eachother.

I pull him closer and closer until our chests are touching.

"I love you" he whispers in my ear.
'i love you too' is what i wanted to say. But instead, i pulled him on top of me.

"Open." I commanded and stuck my two fingers in his mouth. He licked all over them and i took them out when i thought they were lubed enough. "Just, dont kill me tomorrow." I chuckled and slowly inserted the first finger.

"Mmmh" he closed his eyes, "its fucking cold." He burst into a little laughter. "And youre fucking hot." I laughed too.

The Second finger.

I sciccored my fingers inside him and made sure he was lose enough for me to enter him. I pulled him impossibly closer so I would have good entry.

I ever so slowly entered the head into him and he groaned. "You know im not patient" Wonwoo said before sitting down on my length. "Well damn, all you had to do was say so, shit." He laughed and moaned.

He put his hands around my shoulders and started rotating.

"Mingyu?" He said sexily.
"Yeah?" I rubbed my right hand up and doen his back.
"Lay me down" he commanded.

I moved forward and layed him down onto the bed. He looked up at me with sexy eyelined eyes and pulled me down to a kiss, "move" he whispered.

I moved in him slowly and picked up the pace. I took it all out then smashed all of it back into him.

His moans were loud enough to wake the others.

"Ssshh. Youre going to wake the members up" i laughed .
"Well i know ive already woken yours up." He joked.
"Ha. ha."

I lifted his right leg for a different position and thrusted even further inside him. Still not hitting his spot i got frustrated.

I pulled out and flipped him onto his knees. "Prepare." Was my only command and he bit his bottom lip.

I spread him and entered full force all at once. His moan was more like a scream than anything and he was face into the pillows to block the sound.

"BE QUIET!!" We could hear Jeonghan scream from the next room over. We both burst out into laughter.

"I told you" i smiled.
"Literally." I pounded into him more.

I could hear wonwoos breathing hitch and i knew i hit it! I continued to aim for that spot repeatedly.

I gripped him underneath me and continued thrusting into him and i stroked him. He was breathing out of order and i knew he was close.

I liquified his walls and soon he planted all over my hand and his chest. I pulled out and wonwoo collapsed on the bed, looking up at me, he smiled.

I lowered down to his ear, "i love you so much." I breathed and got up to get some wash rags to clean ourselves up.

I walked back and wonwoo was looking at me weird.

"What?" I asked
"Have i ever mentioned how sexy your thighs are?" He bit his lip and took the rag as i offered him.
"No.." i smiled and cleaned his chest softly.

I saw my liquid leaving his core and it looked sexy, "you look amazing baby." I smiled. "May i?" I asked and he nodded.

I licked along his crease and stuck my tongue inside him. I could still taste some of my seed inside him. I pulled out and licked around my mouth. "Have i ever mentioned how much i love your ass?" I jokingly asked him and we both laughed.

"Hm." I said.
"What?" Wonwoo asked.
"I might just try some of that later. " I smirked at him and he looked shy. He blushed and covered his face again. I pupled him onto me and we cuddled while he slept for the remainder of the break 


I hate my life. i hate my life. I hate my life.

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